I have a 70 year old female patient who is in a sever amount of pain in the R LL. a 1/52 hx started as a pain along the anterior lower leg and has gradually worsened to the lateral thigh, into the glutes and also into the groin.

All pains are 7/10 exceot the shin which is 10/10.

Worse on standing, laying prone and extending. Eases when lying on the L.

Full ROM flexion, 1/4 extension, Pain on R SF, pain free L SF.

Reflexes are diminished on the R.

Slump test -'ve

Unable to asses further due to pain.

Used interferential therapy around L4-5 and L5-S1 which relieved symptoms whilst on, Pain returned slowly once taken off. Given TENS over weekend.

I believe it is a slipped disk at present but any other ideas? and why has she full pain free flexion?!


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