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    Question the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    Hi guys! Nice to meet you here. I hope you could give me a favor and it is really, really serious.
    I am considering to go through the B Physiotherapy training in NZ to become a Physiotherapist. I have already had another Bachelor degree. Thus the U Otago said I couldn't involve into the Healthy Science 1st Year, as the 1st year only for those who don't have any undergraduate experience, and I had to start from the 2nd year. However, if the 1st year is waived, when I graudate there will be only 3 years training left in my B Physiotherapy programme (Year 2-4) when I am confered the degree by Otago and seeking the registration from the board, while most graduates will be trained for 4 years. As you may know for OVERSEA trained Physiotherapists, their foundation training programmes must be at least 4 years if there want to register in NZ board, so 3 years training graudates like those from UK can't register just depend on their (UK) registration and (UK) Bachelor degree. What I am worrying is: For NZ trained graudates who only be trained for 3 years during the B Physiotherapy programme like me, could they gain NZ registration as directly as 4 years NZ trained graduates? I know the registration application for NZ trained and foreign trained graduates are definitely different and separate, but I still have to consider the potential problem for the vital registration, as you can't practice legally just by the degree.
    I tried to get an offical answer, but as you feel my case is rare so I haven't reached it yet. I first emailed to the board, but they had no idea what I was talking about and asked me to telephone to them, unfortunately I could't because of the time zone and expensive international calling price. Then I checked their offical website, but there is no anwser for such kind of rare issues. And then I checked both the regulations on their website and the NZ trained graduates' application form for registration, but there is still no indication. Finally I emailed to U Otago, and they asked me to contact the board.
    Though AUT is also available, but the places for international students are very limited and there is on guarantee for the admission. I don't want to put all eggs into one basket so I believe it will be much better if I could get an official answer about my problem. Any one could give me a hand?

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    @lilum, its been a while since you posted your issue and although no one replied im sure youve some how arrived at the answer you were seeking. could you please share that with me?
    Im currently a year shy of completing my bachelors in Kinesiology (emphasis in Fitness and Exercise Specialist) at San Jose State University in California. I, too, wanted to apply to Otago and one of my concerns was similar to your. the other issue i have is to find out if there are people who have actually done as you and i intend(ed) to do (entering as 2nd year students), and specifically, if those students have tried to register as a physical therapist in the states, California in particular.
    As for myself, im actually planning on attending Otago, working there for at least 2 years and in the mean time register to practice as a Physical therapist in California.

    I will be glad to find someone who has actually done as i intend to. I want find out that once we have graduated from Otago and when registering to practice as a Physical therapist in the States, will we be required to take additional courses at the professional level (meaning not the 60 units of General Education but the specific physiotherapy courses at Otago Uni compared to those of the master's level physical therapy cirricula in the States). Please let me know if you find out any information regarding my concerns.

    Keep in touch!

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    just based on reasoning, i think you'll be allowed to practice in NZ even after starting and completing from the 2nd year, simply because the first year is just a prepratory studies, maybe to gauge your apptitude, plus its nothing specific to physiotherapy

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    I contacted with NZ Physiotherapist Board, but they didn't know what I was talking about. You know directly entry to the 2nd year is indeed rarely.

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    I think in such case, it is better to chose Australian/Canada/UK Universities rather than U Otago. There are many Australian/Canada/UK Universities offer Physiotherapy programmes, and they don't have the tricky "Healthy Science 1st year". You know the "Healthy Science 1st year" is U Otago's creepy creation.

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    I think you guys mix up things.
    If you do your Physio study in NZ, you will NOT be overseas trained, so the guidelines for application for overseas trained Physios do not apply.

    On the application guidance notes for NZ trained Physio from their website, under 'Requirements', it says quite clearly:
    You have successfully completed an accredited course of study in physiotherapy within New Zealand
    As you will have done this - where's your problem?

    Secondly, why don't you do as they have recommended and call the Physioboard? The phone call is too expensive? I just checked here: Cheap phone calls to New Zealand, international calls from UK
    The average price per minute is 1.5 p....

    If this all sounds too complicated (have you done the fee enquiry yet???), may I suggest you do your MSc Physio pre-reg in Britain - that's 2 years + 1 clinical year and then you can register in NZ.



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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    @Andrea................yes, you are correct. Almost all of the physiotherapy programs are unique to the country the academic institution is based in. for example, the program in india is to an extent different than the program in NZ. But that is why countries like NZ, USA, etc have credential evaluations and/or examinations for foreign educated physiotherapist(aka physical therapist in usa) to determine the competency level of a physiothrapist against those educated in domestic programs.
    i'll be sure to exercise your advice in calling the NZ physio board. I have emailed them but havent received a reply yet.
    WOW! thats a cheap rate, on behalf of all of us who'll be reading this thread in the future, you mind making that phone call for us then? im just joking. I'm really looking at that phone call as an investment so the cost isnt a biggie

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    Re: the potential problem of U Otago B Physiotherapy graduate's seeking NZ registration

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    I totally agree that a phone call is a good investment. This wasn't aimed at you, but at lilium who wrote:

    unfortunately I could't because of the time zone and expensive international calling price.

    By the way, we call Britain off peak for 8 cents. A rip off!!!!


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