Hello all,
I am currently trying to research ideas for my research proposal. one idea im thinking of is to do with shoulder pain/rotator cuff injury in spina bifida/ long term manual wheelchair users. i would really appreciate peoples opinion on what they think of this as a topic. i have done a brief(!) lit review on it this evening, and there does not seem to be a lot of research out there, especially in relation to spina bifida patients. i am not sure how i will focus in on this topic, but maybe something along the lines of "incidence of shoulder pain/ RC injury in SB patients," or " profile of SB patients with shoulder pain/ requirung shoulder surgery". very basic i know but you get the idea.
Advice appreciated please!!
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dear ahah1313,
I suggest you go to the following website and contact the people there.
Home*-*IF Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus /Hydrocefalie
they should be able to help you...
your idea sounds very good. Hope you follow up.