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  1. #1
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    checking on whereabouts of collegues

    we are giving thought to how to effectively log in and out of the health centre where we are based as we are finding it difficult to know where people are and when they have finished work if they go home from the last appointment. If anyone has any thoughts on this they would be appreciated.

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  2. #2
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    re: checking on whereabouts of collegues

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    In the job I've just left, we had numerous staff on the road most of the day. We would sign out name/time/car when we left, and wrote an expected return time - and we would sign the car back in for when we returned. Throughout the day, we would ring in to the office to say we were OK and what our expected return time was (especially if it would be late) - our phone-check-in times were 1200 and 1500. Most staff would return to the office before leaving for the day, and would again 'sign-in' for the 3pm if it had not already been done. If we expected to be back after 3pm we would let our Co-ordinator/Manager know and they would write that late check-in time down. If we had not arrived back within 30' of that time and had not phoned to say that we were delayed, the Co-ordinator would attempt to phone/page us (we all have pagers/mobile phones). Hope this is vaguely useful.

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