I heard that these courses are very intense but how tough exactly are we talking? Are we talking non-stop study and no social life for 2 years? Any responses from past graduates would be much appreciated
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I heard that these courses are very intense but how tough exactly are we talking? Are we talking non-stop study and no social life for 2 years? Any responses from past graduates would be much appreciated
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I actually think that he was asking about the Pre reg MSC for Physio. Weren't you?
I haven't done this programme, but have heard that it is rather intense. You go through all the Physio specific subjects, research teaching, management/ communication/ professional stuff etc. + the 1000 hrs of supervised clinical practice in a short amount of time. You will have a social life though ... probably depends on how intense you will have to study to understand the subjects.
It's doable while still maintaining your sanity!
Hi guys,
Thanks for your responses. I was talking about the MSc in physio, guess I forgot to mention that :-)
Its intense in that you have a lot to learn yeh, but not to the level you dont have a social life or have any time to yourself. During the university year you always have something to be done really, but sometimes you have a lot of stuff and are in the library all day every day for a few weeks at a time. When you go on placement you're working full time and may or may not have a bit of work to do some nights - depends on your supervisor!
It depends on who you are as well, some people stress about things more than others.