We are two physiotherapy-students, who are doing a research into tension type headache. We are especially interested in :
1) A connection between tension-type headache and the fact that m. rectus capitis posterior minor is connected to the dura mater.
2) How can we link a possible connection to the theory about local/global stabilizers/mobilizers.
We hope to hear from anyone, who can help with literature, know-how or anyone who might have experienced a possible connection between headache and the muscles attachment to the dura mater in their daily practice.
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you could try doing a search on the databases (pubmed). Look at the journal cephalagia.....all about headaches. You could look up the diagnostic criteria, compare to cervicogenic headache etc (Sjaastad et al, 1998, Headache)
You could also try looking up work by Beeton, Jull etc on deep neck flexors with reference to physio and treatment interevention.'
Hope this helps ( I'm at work or would look up those references for you..)Good luck, Sam