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    Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    This issue has been troubling me from the day i started my career as a physio and still it does.
    At first, i want to give you a picture of physiotherapy fees here in Greece, which are totally unaffected by the current economic recession, at least until the time i write this post. All major health insurance funds (supported by the state, as private insurance policies are not well-promoted in Greece) pay an unreasonably low fee for physio sessions (on the presumption that it is prescribed by a physician), namely 7-12 euros most of the times,as the price ranges depending what kinds of treatment is prescribed (for example electrotherapy or massage, kinesiotherapy or laser and so on).
    In case a patient wants to receive a "private" session, namely there is no cover by health funds the median fees are 20-40 euros (most of the times it is 25 or 30 euros) again depending on each practicioner individually.
    Perhaps the above figure (20-40) could be seem fair enough for our job but i firmly believe it is not for a couple of reasons. First, a normal session lasts at least 45 minutes, reaching 1 hour and something in some instances and the physical and mental requirements for a physiotherapist are quite high. Many people dont understand the PREPARATION (study and literature review for each clinical case) we have to make prior to any clinical session, so here in Greece public doesnt consider the amount of 20-40 euros a small one. They think, you just move a joint, make a massage and nothing more!

    My point is if we are going to increase ,and demand such an increase, our fees, not only in my country, but in other countries where the same happens, we have to promote to the public the value of our job not only in terms of "taking the pain away for a short time" but of its scientific value, and believe me most of the public in Greece dont see physiotherapy as science, as opposed to the medicine. Thats why physicians/surgeons charge a lot more, even if in some cases a doctor consultation last 10 minutes max and the patient pays 100 euros!
    Perhaps we should become more "pushy" towards our patients, demanding higher fees, on the presumption that we can give to them EXCELLENT service. In my view this attitude will certainly raise our profile, because we will give REASONS to a patient why he MUST pay a higher amount of money. Ultimately, this will give us more respect among the public.

    I would like to hear many colleagues' opinion on that issue and especially what is the economic status for physios in other countries worldwide.

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??


    Charge 100 Euros if you want.

    1. Some people will not come to see you because they won't value your service.
    2. If you offer something that the guy down the road does for 30 euros, you won't be "worth it"
    3. If you offer something DIFFERENT and are EFFECTIVE and develop your REPUTATION as being "good value" for money, then you will be worth it

    Consider that people are happy to pay more money for a reliable car than less money for something that *may* break down sooner
    Or that paying 3 times for something at 100 euros can save you money if you are better compared to 12 visits at 30 euros

    At the moment, people pay about 45Euros for 15mins and 65Euros for 30mins with me. Pretty soon that is going up to 90 Euros. I am still very busy (thank God!) and most people around me charge 40-45 Euros for 30mins. I believe that i offer a different service to those around me. I also make sure i am the most expensive person in my area because i believe i give a very high standard of quality.

    If you believe you are worth more, then charge more. You will soon see if you really are worth it or not

    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
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    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    thanks for the reply...i can not find a reason for you to be wrong, this kid of attitude is something that we should have during our practice andinteraction with patients.
    However, the only trouble here in Greece for price raising is the financial status of the country, which believe me has a major impact to all public (except of course for a minority who spend 5000 euros a month for shopping,travel and luxury life!). Otherwise, its very wise to raise fess, as long as you say, you offer something different to patients!

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Thanks - in my experience, most of the time, the problem is in the mind of the physio. I know that Greece has economic problems...the bottom line is that people are willing to pay to get better so long as you get them better QUICK!

    Be different, be good and they will come from all over the place to come see you

    Best of luck!

    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
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    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
    The entry above constitutes general advice only and does not take the place of a proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Opinions expressed are solely the opinions of Antony Lo.

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Good day guys.My submision here is, you got to worth your earnings.Greece physio challenges could be associated with barrage of factors.How does your physio national body take issues that has to do with physio fee before the Govt,insurance and the public.Then, its level of advocacy nationally.Is physio a product of stronge educational curriculum that is college or university base and physio student trained alongside with medical student?
    These and others are very important when negotiating physio fee and salary.In my own part of the world physio salaries in public health facilities are quite good with very little difference from other medical couleaques .Private physio here are generally more expensive than medical bill apart from surgery in private hospitals but these were not achieved overnight.They are product of stronge advocacy on the part of our physio national body and persistent review of physio training giving rise to emergence of very aggressive and sophisticated physios that deliver effective physio to the public.
    So,u are free to charge what you think your service worth as long as patient get value for money they would surely come looking for u.yelufem.

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    very good comment dear yelufem, i think you hit straight through the heart!! Well, here is the thing, our physio natianal association has done many efforts for the price raising at least as far as concerned the fees of public health funds (8-12 euros currently, see me previous post for more information)....But, there has not been done so much to PROMOTE the profession to public. Even if our curriculum is 4 years, that means equivalent with a university, and i can say it has a solid educational component, people are still uninformed about our role as health providers. As a result, public hospitals do not employ so many physios as they should be (means that there are very few vacancies for permanent jobs), many of these hospitals has only 1 or 2 physios as staff to provide services in many clinics,like orthopedic and so on (this is far outrageous!!!!). Consequently people hospitalized in many institutions cannot enjoy the real VALUE of our job, and this has a major negative impact to the profession (for example people are reluctant to pay a high-priced physio session in an outpatient clinic,as they dont think physical therapy can make any difference to their problem!).
    Anyway, i am really glad to hear that in so-called "thirld world" countries (for me, this is an entirely MYTH, the "third world" was a term used by some high class beaurocrats in the past with intenton to stratify the whole globe, bringing discrimination and hate among people, each country by its own makes its own fate and progress through ages. However, if you come visit our beloved Greece, you will certainly consider it a thirld world country, because of its organization as a state,sometimes it makes you sick!) physical therapy is deemed a high-prestige profession. I wish you to keep it on like this way in the future!

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Thank you for your kind word, quorthon.Our society and corruptive tendencies that is eating deep into the fabric of development has spur health professionals and their national bodies to take the bull by the horns by asking and pushing the Govt to do what they deem right for their profession.In your own part of the world many things are likely ready for you.But here you are most likely to be on your own on many things that has to do with living essentials.
    So health practitionals across board have learnt to make govt deliver large chunk of Nigeria oil dollar to fund public healthcare.This years budget place healthcare in second position in area of priority.This however did not come overnight.It is a product of serial strike by health workers and proofs with facts and figures while health worker must be well renumerated.In all this, physio played very prominent roles. a physio was the head of assembly of health professionals of Nigeria at a time and currently a distinguished physio is the representative of health professional bodies(except Drs) in presidential committee on harmony and policy in healthcare in Nigeria.These are good incentive toward making physio what it is today in my country.
    This is very possible in advanced society like yours.You guys just need to be courageous in showcasing your profession and never allow Drs to speak for u because they would always want the public and the govt to see physio as extention of their prescription in order to always get the lion share of healthcare Euro.It is all about survival of the fitest.
    I am looking forward to gradual and positive change in physio status and fortune in Greece.yelufem.

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Quote Originally Posted by alophysio View Post

    Charge 100 Euros if you want.

    1. Some people will not come to see you because they won't value your service.
    2. If you offer something that the guy down the road does for 30 euros, you won't be "worth it"
    3. If you offer something DIFFERENT and are EFFECTIVE and develop your REPUTATION as being "good value" for money, then you will be worth it

    Consider that people are happy to pay more money for a reliable car than less money for something that *may* break down sooner
    Or that paying 3 times for something at 100 euros can save you money if you are better compared to 12 visits at 30 euros

    At the moment, people pay about 45Euros for 15mins and 65Euros for 30mins with me. Pretty soon that is going up to 90 Euros. I am still very busy (thank God!) and most people around me charge 40-45 Euros for 30mins. I believe that i offer a different service to those around me. I also make sure i am the most expensive person in my area because i believe i give a very high standard of quality.

    If you believe you are worth more, then charge more. You will soon see if you really are worth it or not
    I agree.....If we think we deserve more after all that studying and hard work , we much charge more....If people know you are a good physiotherapist ,they'll come for you....Doesnt matter how much you charge...they just wanna get rid of the pain...They'll pay any thing

    Btw..Thats a lot of money...65 Euros for 30 minutes..Your in Australia right..so its Australian Dollars..Not Euros

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    the problem is that when the economic climate is a bit depressing like the one we facing now in greece, price-raising no matter how good and effective you are in your practice is something risky and i say that, after a lot of conversation with other colleagues in private practice who often see patients ...bargaining about the session-cost, while the same clients a couple years ago were willing to pay 50 euros and more for each session.
    And as far as i know australian economy is by ages healthier than the one in greece, so it is easier to set prices higher, not only for physios but for every health practicioner

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??


    keb050 - I am talking euros. I charge $AUD85 but that will change soon. Having said that, I am experienced and practice a bit differently to how most physios are trained. I actually currently charge AUD$65 (45euros) for 15mins. Value for money is actually not in the amount you charge but the number of times you see a patient. If I can help someone in 3 treatments, is it not better value for money than someone seeing a physio for 5-10 times? I act more like a consultant these days - i tend to see the hard cases that haven't responded to usual physiotherapy.

    quorthon - i appreciate your current economic climate. I do hope and pray that the situation works out for you all. The changing currency has not been good to Greece.


    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
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    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
    The entry above constitutes general advice only and does not take the place of a proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Opinions expressed are solely the opinions of Antony Lo.

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    Cool Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Quote Originally Posted by alophysio View Post

    keb050 - I am talking euros. I charge $AUD85 but that will change soon. Having said that, I am experienced and practice a bit differently to how most physios are trained. I actually currently charge AUD$65 (45euros) for 15mins. Value for money is actually not in the amount you charge but the number of times you see a patient. If I can help someone in 3 treatments, is it not better value for money than someone seeing a physio for 5-10 times? I act more like a consultant these days - i tend to see the hard cases that haven't responded to usual physiotherapy.

    quorthon - i appreciate your current economic climate. I do hope and pray that the situation works out for you all. The changing currency has not been good to Greece.

    Can you please tell me your educational qualifications and trainings...Just wanna know(curious) Cheers

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    keb050 - uh, have you seen my signature? look below...

    [B]Antony Lo
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    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??


    If you can open a private clinic, that will improve your income and the beautiful part of it is that you'll be a boss of yourself!

    Take a Survey | start a private physiotherapy clinic

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    ???can not understand...Can you please tell me your educational qualifications and trainings...Just wanna know(curious) Cheers

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    Re: Are you happy with what you get paid as a physio??

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    ok...after the words i have typed here, there are my qualifications and ways to contact me.

    I have a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy from the University of Sydney. I have also completed my Master of Manual Therapy degree from The University of Western Australia. I am currently undertaking the Specialization Training Program which will hopefully end up meaning that I will be the 9th Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist in NSW (my state).

    Does that help?

    Look below here...it will say "Antony Lo" then under that will be my qualifications...


    [B]Antony Lo
    The Physio Detective
    APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
    Teaching Fellow at the University of Western Australia[/B]
    Masters in Manual Therapy (UWA)

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    If you would like me to comment on your thread, please send me a message me with a copy of the link to it.
    [B]My Philosophy:[/B]
    The goal of physiotherapy is to restore optimum function - that is to move freely and maintain positions without causing damage either now or in the future. This requires the assessment and restoration of efficient load transfer throughout the whole body.
    The entry above constitutes general advice only and does not take the place of a proper assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Opinions expressed are solely the opinions of Antony Lo.

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