Is quite common some feel that they torn it and present some sign and symptoms. Can you clarify with what you mean A P and R ROM you are reffering tool. Try some A.R.T. techniques or refer him to an ART provider
Hi all,
Im a Sports Therapist for a Rugby Club and have come across a very odd injury of which I cant get my head around.
One of my tighthead props, mid 40s has played Rugby all his life, occasionally plays flanker during the early stages of his career.
When I first started at the club, I was working with a sports physio part-time who encountered this player's injury more than I did, but did not have an explanation.
Randomly, the player would feel his L knee feel unstable and weak, with a lump produced medially on the joint line.
Movements that induce this could be as simple as wiggling his leg during a warm up, or after an intense 80min match. He is a builder and is frequently on his knees.
Every occasion, A, P, and R ROM are all fine. McMurray's and Cartilage apprehensions tests show negative signs.
To replace this 'lump' back into the joint capsule, player is supine, I provide a medial force with one arm, and try to push the lump proximal to the tibia with my thumb. These attempts can last for a few minutes or less before the 'lump' goes back into the joint capsule and the player feels relieved. No pain when this happens, and the lump is not present.
Initially I understand how the medialmeniscus was capable of partially exiting the joint capsule, but a friend that I play football with has the same signs and symptoms, but with complications of ACL Reconstruction.
If anyone has any information on this odd injury, please feel free to reply to this post.
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Is quite common some feel that they torn it and present some sign and symptoms. Can you clarify with what you mean A P and R ROM you are reffering tool. Try some A.R.T. techniques or refer him to an ART provider
Thanks for your reply!
A P and R stand for Active, Passive and Resisted Ranges of Movement. My friend who has had the samething had aMRI Scan which showed no signs of any tears.
Is it possible that the knee has become slightly unstable, enough for there to be space for the medialmeniscus to partially be out of the joint capsule? I can't understand how this can be!?
It may become loose due to muscle imbalance or due the protective body mechanism to further injury.
Finaly themeniscus gets stuck due to fibrosis as they move along (we talking a sligth movement) to extension and flexion to provide the appropiate contact throughout the motion.
Further that happens as a result of poor biomechanics.