100 views and no-one knows nuffin?
Graduated in July, currently working at a private msk clinic and part time for a premier league team at academy level. Would quite like to do something voluntary outside of sport/msk since the football season is now over and i have some free time again. Any suggestions of places i can look or people i can ask? Just looking to broaden my scope a little bit really and do some neuro or something. Any help would be much appreciated
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100 views and no-one knows nuffin?
Why therefore not ask to be a free physio assistant in the neuro department of your local hospital. A free pair of hands is usually more than welcome.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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hmm not really what i had in mind but thanks for the suggestion
I have been considering volunteering abroad. There are a number of companies I have found that can provide physio experiences.
Volunteer Physiotherapy/Healthcare Placements Abroad
and pay someone to work for them? I've sent a couple of emails to special needs schools in my local area, figured that was a good enough place to start
Hello - I live in Wadi Rum, Jordan - about an hour north of Aqaba on the Red Sea coast. The director of the Ministry of Social Development for the Aqaba region asked me for assistance in finding a volunteer physiotherapist to work in the special needs centers run in the region - one in Aqaba and another about an hour north in a Bedouin town called Quwayra. Unfortunately, the Ministry is unable to offer no support for a volunteer other than the work placement itself. If this position is of interest to you (or anyone you know), please feel free to e-mail me to discuss further at: alena@enter-east.com. Thanks and best, Alena Bartoli
Hi, i volunteered for GVN in Vietnam and it was the most amaysing experience of my life! They're in desperate need of qualified Physios, if fact my time there is the reason i'm becoming a Physio so i can go back with a skill. You won't regret it.
Volunteering Projects in Vietnam
I'm hoping this may be of interest to you....I have friend who fractured her ankle at christmas and is very poor and does not have access to the NHS - for various reasons she hasn't been able to access any physio that she so needs. I've been looking on her behalf for some possible physio for her that could be free of charge? Do get in touch if you'd like to know more.
kind regards,
catalina botello
07939 060 434