Hi there, i have been experiencing severe pain in my groin and thigh and lower back, been on all the pain killers and muscle relaxants and medicated heat pads imaginable, even one dr wanted to send me for anmri, but my own gp refused, said i had to put up with the pain, anyway by chance today i came across a pain specialist/physiotherapist which a dr friend recommended, he examined all of me, my hips,, my pelvis, my feet etc and my posture and all were good, but he continued to press on my lower back and then he moved to my gluteus medius and i was in sheer agony, he said i have damaged my gluteus medius perhaps as i had flu like systems and a sore throat for weeks, and then i travelled to the uk and i was lifting and putting on airport check in belts and taking off at baggage carosel a heavy case and putting it in to my car, i may have strained or stretch this. Four years ago i had a fall in a garage, was so embarrassed got up as quick as i fell, also a few months back i had groin spasms, but no back ache, at that time i was told i may have damaged my groin and my pelvis had dropped perhaps from having sex. But today the pain specialist/physiotherapist informed me there is no damage to my hips or pelvis and my general movements are good, only my gluteus medius, i have had western needling into the spasm and be advised to wear heat pads for some hours and then to place a golf ball on the spot and press very hard. Surely, I dont need a MRI now, i got nowhere with my own gp. Thank you.
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