hi i am physiotherapist from india if u know anthing related to this topic plz send msg
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My Dear Pankaj,
iam 47 years old. Iam an Indian Just came To Dubai LOOking for a job. a month back i deeveloped pain in my shoulder. the whole hand is paining. i cannot turn the hand to back side. i can lift the hand up. during sleep the pain is terrible. the hand become stiff and severe pain. after getting up slowly i make the hand move. i did not see any doctor as the treatment here is very costly and iam yet to get a job.iI discussed my problem over phone to a very senior doctor in India who was treating me for my spondilosis. he told me that this has nothing to do with spondilosis and this is peri arthrities orfrozen shoulder. will you pl. tell me some excercises that i can do regularly to take care of this?
thanks and regards,
anita pradeep