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    Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?

    I've read lots of similar threads on the web about making sure you warm up before stretching, otherwise it can be "bad for you".

    But, does this apply to stretches that are prescribed as part of a rehabilitation program?

    It's just at the moment I suffer from three things: improper left shoulder mechanics, pain up the right side of my body, particularly in my right hip, and left patellar tendinopathy.

    It is hard for me to "warm up" because I can't go for a little jog or do any kind of exercise that gets the blood flowing.

    Every day I spend an hour stretching, but I do it from cold. I'm not sure whether it is helping or hindering my symptoms.

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    Re: Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?


    from my understanding there is still alot of debate with regards to warm ups/stretching and injury prevention although most will agree it aids performance. The general consensus is that it is also better to do dynamic stretching before sport/exercise and static after but this is going off the point a little.

    Are you able to do non weight bearing or low impact exercise such as cycling, cross trainer or swimming? If you can you could use these as a way of warming up instead of running.

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    Re: Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?

    Quote Originally Posted by alleex View Post

    from my understanding there is still alot of debate with regards to warm ups/stretching and injury prevention although most will agree it aids performance. The general consensus is that it is also better to do dynamic stretching before sport/exercise and static after but this is going off the point a little.

    Are you able to do non weight bearing or low impact exercise such as cycling, cross trainer or swimming? If you can you could use these as a way of warming up instead of running.
    Theoretically yes, but to access the gym every day is pretty difficult for me. I've been suffering from patellar tendinopathy for 2 years now, trying various protocols, and the last time I used the cross trainer, even for 2 minutes, I found that it flared up the symptoms. It has been a while since then, and my symptoms have improved a lot (I get no pain anymore, but my left patellar tendon is greatly enlarged and "solid" compared to my right), so maybe it would be ok now, although I haven't even attempted to up the intensity of my exercise through paranoia and fear given that tendinosis/tendinopathy are so poorly understood still.

    I mean, I've been trying to generally move arms around a little bit to warm up, but it seems a little pointless, it isn't exactly heart racing stuff.

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    Re: Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?

    Not a therapist, however, I fractured my femur in 2 places in March of 2011 and after a couple of months of healing and check ups by my surgeon I began more physical therapy. I had developed tendonitis in my thigh and ham string due to overuse of my leg. (Per my therapist and Dr.) When I did exercises on a regular basis the pain and inflamation got worse. I quit excercising and just applied ice and heat alternately and in a short time it was gone. I walk, and I do stretching exercises while lying down. With this and other normal activities I am progressing quite well with very little flare up of the tendonitis. I think sometimes we tend to over do a good thing.

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    Re: Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?

    Quote Originally Posted by ok_cub2008 View Post
    Theoretically yes, but to access the gym every day is pretty difficult for me. I've been suffering from patellar tendinopathy for 2 years now, trying various protocols, and the last time I used the cross trainer, even for 2 minutes, I found that it flared up the symptoms. It has been a while since then, and my symptoms have improved a lot (I get no pain anymore, but my left patellar tendon is greatly enlarged and "solid" compared to my right), so maybe it would be ok now, although I haven't even attempted to up the intensity of my exercise through paranoia and fear given that tendinosis/tendinopathy are so poorly understood still.

    I mean, I've been trying to generally move arms around a little bit to warm up, but it seems a little pointless, it isn't exactly heart racing stuff.

    I am wondering about your tendinopathy. You are saying that your left tendon is enlarged and solid. I am wondering if this is not a chronic inflammation of Hoffa's Fat pad which means the approach should be different (if it is not to late!). An inflammation of these fat pads would alter the direction of pull on the tendons. Regarding stretches and warming up; actually this seems to change as underwear. Personally I am more and more under the impression a great deal of stretches are a psychological factor; focussing. This would be in line with research which shows that watching sports can enhance muscle strength (good for the couch potato). But personally it would not be my choice. As said the fashion nowadays is dynamic stretches against static. Muscle tightness is in principle pathologic; and is an expression eg of muscle disbalance or nerve irritation (see the FMS test which looks into the chance of injury and is well supported by evidence. I know this does not help but it might alter the way you look at your injury and maybe you have to think of control of core and hip and if you have really flat feet and a possible torsion of the Tibia into podiatry.

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    Re: Stretching without warming up - can it be damaging?

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Hi there,

    there is a lot of debate in the literature regarding the use of stretching. In your case what will be important is to go at the limit that you can feel the stretch however no pain sensation or ripping should be experienced. On the other hand you could use dynamic stretch meaning you can try a lunge however the should be with the same approach as i mentioned above. So do partial then start increase the depth and perhaps speed if comfortable.

    Neurospast though touched some important issues that you may want to have a look at. ou may cause your self a lot of pain perfoming exercises without proper treatment prescription whatever that may be.

    Despite that in this site we just provide a guide to thinking and perhaps some explantions i would like to emphasize that webbie diagnosis and exercise prescription cant be accurate. Having a appointment to a Dr or GSR or physio or osteopath or ATC allows them to assess constaly the exercise performance and allow to further expand the prescription none the less we may found in our constant assessment that things may require to visit a surgeon or another health allied profession. On the other hand if you not happy with your physio or Dr you always have the option to visit another for a second opinion.

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