Hi there, thx for your time and help. If you don’t have time for therest, could you please explain what normalisation of EMG means please.<o></o
Could you please tell me what in layman’s terms normalisation of EMGmeans, and if you do a EMG test like I did below, or anyone does a test on anEMG machine, have you got to normalise the data ??? As we are trying to findwith repetition speed, done in the same time frame uses the most muscleactivity, force/strength. We found that the fast used nearly 20% more; howevera friend is saying that this EMG has to be normalised, or it does not show thedeceleration phase. I think that the basic EMG I took, is basically the muscleactivity, force/strength used as I don’t understand if you need to normalisationEMG, or what it means, or what happens when you do this.
There is a huge debate going on, onmany forums and over six years now, as some say physics equations work thetotal or overall force/strength to be the same in the below. However as I thinkother, because you fail faster in the faster reps and you use more energy, morephysical work is done, also you move the weight more distance in the same timeframe, I decided to buy an EMG machine, and here are the results.
Could you please say what the resultsmean, do they basically mean what I think, in that as the faster reps have moremuscle activity, that means if there is higher levels of muscle activity thereis more total or overall force/strength being used by the muscle.
Just did another few tests/studies,here’s one on the Multi Biceps, with 4 pads over my Biceps. The load was a bitlight on this test, got about 23 reps on fast for the time span the EMG machinerecorded, so upped the weight for the next 2 test/studies. You can see what 1to 7 means below.
First is the most important, as it shows the EMG average muscle activity, ormuscle force/strength used, as we know, the higher the average, the higher thetotal/overall force/strength used.
1, Fast 409, Slow 349,
2, Fast 437, Slow 346,
3, Fast 0.1, Slow 0.3,
4, Fast 0.6, Slow 0.7,
5, Fast 1104, Slow 1114,
6, Fast 146.0, Slow 193.4,
7, Fast 175.0, Slow 173.0,
1/ WRK This is the work average for the session measured in [µV]
AVG microvolts. The average readings will vary from one patient to
2/ RST This is the rest average for the session measured in µV - Below
AVG 4 µV a muscle is beginning to rest.
3/ AVG This is the average onset of muscle contraction measured in
ONST seconds, readings below 1 second can be considered normal.
4/ AVG This is the average muscle release measured in seconds,
RLSE readings below 1 second can be considered normal.
5/ W/R This is the average peak value measured in µV - The value will
PEAK vary from one patient to another.
6/ WRK This is the average muscle deviation when contracting the
AVDV muscle. Readings of below 20% of WRKAVG can be
considered adequate, below 12% can be considered good.
7/ RST This is the average muscle deviation when the muscle is at rest.
AVDV Below 4 µV a muscle is beginning to rest.<o></o
Wightused roughly 80%<o></o
Fast, 6 reps at .5/.5 = 6 seconds, or/and 24 repsat .5/.5 = 24 seconds.
Slow, 1 rep at 3/3 = 6 seconds, or/and 4 reps at 3/3 = 24 seconds.<o></o
I would say more overall or total force/strength was used in the faster reps. Idefine overall or total as if you only have 100 force/strength, that the fastwould use more of this up.<o></o
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