I'd suggest you find another physio. Something to ask, do you really like her because she's a physio?
It would be unethical for me to date one of my patients.
But then I'm married
Hi all
There is this physio that I have been seeing for some pain in my upper body. Anyways she is quite attractive and very very caring/funny as well.
I actually noticed during my fourth appointment with her that she likes me. Well I am such a fool in this perspective and then I actually
remembered her behaviour since my first appointment and realized that she was giving me cues since then. But I just thought that it was her
being friendly. Anyways I managed to muster up some courageand asked her out last week. And she looked quite happy, she said yes actually
three times! But then later she said there are some issues, why not talk about them next time we meet. I personally feel she was referring to
issues regarding doctors dating any of their patients
Since you people belong to this field, can you tell me a bit more about this. I really like her, so if I have to find any other physio, I would
be more than happy to do this if we are dating. Is it just unethical or are there rules in NHS that explicitly forbid physio from dating their
patients? If so, any ways around this? Thank you!
Similar Threads:
I'd suggest you find another physio. Something to ask, do you really like her because she's a physio?
It would be unethical for me to date one of my patients.
But then I'm married
TheGamer (28-03-2012)
hey Sports_Rx,
Thanks for the reply! May be, one of things that I like and has surprised me that she knows a lot about my joint problems, and she still seems open to this which to me is indicative of her good character otherwise I have seen how superficial and insulting people can be to someone who has any health issues. But she is really funny and attractivetoo
I am single btw and from her response it did seem that she is as well otherwise not at all interested in destroying someone'e else relationship.
When you say unethical, does that mean that there are no such NHS guidelines regarding this? and Would you say the same for your ex-patients? Cheers.
Hello TheGamer,
The advice provided by my colleagues is worthwhile and accurate. Although I am in Australia, the issue is universal world wide - dating your therapist is a no no for the therapist. Marital status makes no difference.
You can be friends with a patient however romantic involvement is unethical - which means that a Physiotherapy registration board could revoke a therapists license to practice or impose penalties. The rules are generally so strict
that even if you found another therapist, there should be quite a long time span between the last appointment with the therapist and a relationship beginning. How long is long? The time varies but could be between one and two years dependent upon the attitude of the Board governing the issue. The only way for you to be sure is to check with the relevant registration Board. The rules governing such activities are strict due to the fact that therapists cannot remain objective when treating family or loved ones and serious errors of judgement can occur from either side. Such problems can end in expensive tears and ruined health or careers. If there really is a spark between the two of you that may have long term possibilities, then by all means change therapist, remain friends without taking the extra step until you are outside the danger zone. If you cannot trust yourself to remain just friends without benefits then change therapists and keep apart for awhile and see what happens. The only other option is to go for it and risk everything - something that I suspect you already know given your question to this forum.
All the best.