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    Tight quadricep causing sore hamstring and calf? Glute weakness?

    I have a really tight sensation when lunging in the top of the quad? I was training for a marathon and it all fell apart a few months ago when i pulled up with a sore hamstring. Now I've started up again the problem its still there. ITB pain is stopping me running at about 3.5 miles. The days after, my hamstring and calf are really sore and my quad is really tight (this is all just on my left side). I've just started a strengthening programme based around glute strenghtening and I have a physio referral which should be about 2 months away. Has anyone got any advice in the mean time? Its hard to know whether its a weak hamstring or glute - do i strech the hamstring or leave it and stretch the quad, is the pain in my calf due to the weak glute/hamstring? Many Thanks for any advice/motivation.

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    Re: Tight quadricep causing sore hamstring and calf? Glute weakness?

    Well, how long has it been that ur pain is causing you problems. Icing is a better option when the condition is acute meaning within a week to two. Give me a proper history of your injury. What was the date of injury? How long has it been? What are the aggravating and reliving factor? On what basis did u start the strengthening protocol? Which one is your dominant side? How long have you been running? What kind of lifestyle do you have, i mean active, sedentary? Do you any previous history of injury? Have you ever had the similar complains before? When did u first felt the tightness in ur Quads?

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    Re: Tight quadricep causing sore hamstring and calf? Glute weakness?

    Many thanks for your reply. This has been an ongoing problem, much longer than a few weeks. I had ITB problems in my right side for a long time last year after returning from a 2.5 year period of inactivity when I suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome. Physio helped me back to able to run and I started training for a marathon (I am fully recovered from the illness now). I would say that there were always underlying muscle weaknesses, but I just powered through. I was consistently getting calf problems throughout my training. Core and glute strenghtening helped me a lot with my right side, but the left side hamstring injury was a new pain (January 2012). When running it manifests as a sharp pain on the side of the knee (ITB pains), the day after my hamstring hurts and the days after mainly my calf. Relief of the pain comes temporarily from stretching my quad and also foam rolling (or rolling pin) the glute. I dont feel much tightness when walking or running in my quad, its just when stretching with i.e. a lunge that I notice a massive difference compared to the right side. Its right at the top of the quad (is it nerve related?). I haven't done much running recently so it is not a repetitive strain, there must be a muscle imbalance. I can get to about 3.5 miles until the pain kicks in. Hope this answers your questions and many thanks for getting back to me.

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    Thumbs up Re: Tight quadricep causing sore hamstring and calf? Glute weakness?

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Well, for your hamstrings , ITB and calf i would say, give ur muscles enough rest. During rest period, do lots of icing on those muscles. once rest has been given for around 2 weeks depending on the seriousness of the injury, start stretching the muscles all of them really slowly. Stretch them for 10 seconds per repitition and do it ten times per session. Inially do 1 session everyday, later after a week add 2 sessions more. Then once you can maintain the stretching for more than a minute in a stretched position, then it is ready to be trained in proper. then start the strengthening.

    For quadriceps, tighntness in the form you are explaining cannot be nerve related. just go for bending your knee in prone lying position and keep it there for a minute. do it 5 times, 2 session/day. Will recover soon.

    Do stay in touch and keep giving me feedback....

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