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    Idiopathic Scoliosis Questions - A way of living

    Hello, my name is Fernando Palacios, I'm spanish, and I'm here to ask you all some questions, if possible.
    I apologize for my english, as sometimes it can be a little bit hard to understand me.

    I have an idiopathic lumbar scoliosis of 30 degrees to the left side, (right side on a x-ray).

    It's huge, but it's painless. I haven't ever felt any kind of pain or hurt in my back.

    I never have had the urge to wear any kind of back brace. I've been going to physiotherapy since I was ten years old.

    Some time ago, I started going to gym so as to excercise the weak side of my back by swimming and lifting weights.

    I'll explain "the weak side". The left side of my back is, like, all muscled up. However, the right side has no muscle at all. That's because of the scoliosis, I assume.

    And what I do is, I try to muscle the right side by doing back focused excercises with the right hand only. The rowing machine, for example.

    It has been a great improvement, and my back is way better.

    What I'm asking you is, ¿are there any other ways to improve my scoliosis? I understand there may be no way to reduce the degrees, but maybe I can somehow improve my posture and the looks of it.

    I've read about Pilates, Yoga, Swimming, (I'm actually doing that already, but I'd like some tips about how much should I do it), and, specially, I'd love if someone could tell me if calisthetics can help me.

    Calisthetics are "gymnastic exercises, such as sit-ups, designed to develop muscular tone and promote physical fitness". It's said to be great for scoliosis, but I'd like to know how much good it is from specialists before doing anything.

    Thanks for anything you can tell me.

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  2. #2

    Re: Idiopathic Scoliosis Questions - A way of living

    The best advice I can give you is to find a Schroth specialist in your area OR a physiotherapist that has been trained in SEAS.
    Both SEAS and Schroth are currently the only methods that have a certain evidence base.

    dr. Rigo in Barcelona would be the person to ask..... Institut Elena Salvá - Tratamiento rehabilitador de escoliosis y otras deformidades de la columna. Barcelona
    dr Rigo educates physiotherapists to become Schroth specialists, I presume they will have list of all the Schrothspecialists in Spain.
    There is one physiotherapist in las Pays Bascos who was trained as a SEAS therapist... do not have his email... maybe you can find out more by going to
    SEAS Accreditation: people I am the other one, but I live circa de Malaga and am not always in Spain sorry....

    Good luck and really try to find a specialist to help you train.... you need to look after your back your whole life )



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