Do you want to be an Astronaut Physiotherapist?
Maybe this isn’t a question you hear very often? However, astronauts encounter a range of medical challenges associated with entering periods of reduced gravity. These include muscle weakening, cardiovascular deconditioning and neuromusculoskeletal activation pattern changes. They require in-flight preventative measures, post flight rehabilitation to minimise symptomatic episodes and long term monitoring to check they are in good health. With the three core physiotherapy disciplines being musculoskeletal, neurology and cardiovascular respiratory rehabilitation there is large potential for physiotherapists to draw on the full range of their training to help combat the medical problems of human spaceflight.
To find out more about this fascinating medical specialty, you are invited to attend the first UK Space Environments Conference hosted by the UK Space Biomedical Agency at the Satrosphere Centre in Aberdeen on June 16th and 17th 2012.
The program includes key note lectures from NASA head of human space flight, Dr Jeff Davis and ESA British astronaut Tim Peake.
Find out more here:
2012 Conference - UK Space Biomedicine Association
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