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    Re: Power plate/vibrogym/vibration training!

    I was just about to post the same question!
    I have been working with the Galileo vibration training and I think It is an excellent modality. As far as I'm aware this method does not just apply a vertical force but has lateral movement as well (which some of the trainers don't). With this machine you can alter the amplitude of the vibration by altering the distance between your feet on the plate.

    when standing on this machine muscle recruitment has been shown to be between 95-97% for a 10 minute session when compared with standard exercise which was between 40-60%. I will find the reference for this.

    Since vertical vibrations transmit force straight up and through the head, this system using lateral vibrations allows the energy to be transmitted to the core, strengthening here as well as the lower limbs.
    The use of different positions does allow you to focus on particular areas. The therapist needs to observe the patients posture very carefully since the treatment time is so short, and advise any adaptations.

    So far I have seen the machine used for general fitness, propriceptively and used in a patients with primary progressive MS and a parkinsons. Also
    for patients with pelvic floor weaknesss. Further i would like to see it included in falls prevention where it has already been sucessful.
    I would love to do a study and am docummenting case studies.
    I will get the references from work for this machine.

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    Re: Power plate/vibrogym/vibration training!

    The real question is...does the TrAb really act as a torque generator???

    In other words, does it need strengthening? At 3% MVC, is it really enough to generate the force closure it needs to secure the Wikipedia reference-linkSIJ and tension the TLF?

    What if we think of it as a proprioceptive device? Then the vibration training might actually serve to increase information input to the brain because more things are being stimulated therefore requiring more activation to try sort out all the movements and stabilise them...

    Whaddya think?

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    Re: Power plate/vibrogym/vibration training!

    Quote Originally Posted by alophysio View Post
    The real question is...does the TrAb really act as a torque generator???

    In other words, does it need strengthening? At 3% MVC, is it really enough to generate the force closure it needs to secure the SIJ and tension the TLF?

    What if we think of it as a proprioceptive device? Then the vibration training might actually serve to increase information input to the brain because more things are being stimulated therefore requiring more activation to try sort out all the movements and stabilise them...

    Whaddya think?
    I do agree that this is a useful tool for proprioceptive retraining for some of the population. Again though I must ask for some evidence for difference in individuals doing the same exercise on the vibration plate 1. With it turned on and 2. With it turned off. Only then might I consider its use worthwhile. And perhaps 3. Compared to someone standing on an airex mat with the machine turned off to simulate some proprioceptive retaining without the actual vibration.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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