Clinical Sports Medicine (McGraw-Hill) by Peter Brukner & Karim Khan (2nd Edition, I think)
Can anybody suggest or recommend a good reference text for musculoskeletal assesment? I'm working in sports but am looking for something with special tests an a brief synopsis of treatments. Since assessment doesn't really change that much i'm looking for something that will last the pace. from the uk or can buy on the net.
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Clinical Sports Medicine (McGraw-Hill) by Peter Brukner & Karim Khan (2nd Edition, I think)
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hi laura,
have you ever gone through CLINICAL ORTHOPEDIC EXAMINATION by Ronald McRae --- a book from churchill and livingstone?
it is a nice book which i have been useing for assess ortho conditions.
clinical sports med by brukner and kahn is fab, I wouldn't have survived my outpatients placement without it!! It's not just sports based, it's excellent for non-sports assessment.
Clinical sports med now has new 3rd ed i think. It includes tests and treatment (general).
Orthopaedic Physical Assessment by David Magee is pretty good.
There is also a book by Hertling and Kessler (?) that seemed to be quite ok too...
I agree that Clincial Sports Medicine is very good. Extremely good.
However, for a comprehensive assessment procedure with special tests etc etc, Clinical Orthopaedic Assessment is primarily interested in a thorough assessment of the area.
Clinical Sports Med is practical and seems to be getting more comprehensive. It is good also because it tells you how to deal with different conditions. The assessment is also fairly comprehensive.
If you could get both, i think it would be most helpful for you.
Apart from the Books mentioned above there are also some good books to have a look and these are :
Clinical Orthopaedic Examination By Ronald Macrae.
Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders, Physical Therapy Principles and Methods, Second Edition, By Darlene Hertling and Randolph M. Kessler.
Mobilisation of Spine, A Primary handbook of Clinical Methods, Fifth Edition by Gregory P. Grieve.
TextBook of Orthopaedic Medicine, Volume one, Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions, 8th edition by James Cyriax.
Muscle testing, Techniques of Manual examination, 7th edition by Hislop and Montgomery
The only one i have seen from that list is the Hertling and Kessler one. It didn't seem too bad - i had a student who brought it in with her. However, it didn't have some things in it which she needed so it isn't complete (hence in the title the word "common"). Not bad overall.
Can't comment on the others since i haven't read them but i am happy to go with them on sdkashif's recommendation...
Hi you can try clinical orthopedic examination by mc rae
Orthopaedic physical assesment (david g maghee ) is my choice.its good
David magee is a really wonderful book. I appreciate the work done by him in it.