dear Alexandru,
Please tell us which brands you have worked with and how long you keep the tape on.
How do you remove the tape....
Looking forward to hearing from you
LEFTER's METHOD (Video Link)
The kinesiology tape has become over the years a "therapeutic enhancement" and a close companion to sport performance and not only. Given a professional application, based on solid knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics, this technique becomes mandatory in the "props" of any performance or amateur athlete. One of the biggest benefits of this type of therapy is the ease with which the tapes can be applied, the main problems with which both the therapist and the patient/athlete can meet, are related to the environmental conditions (e.g. high humidity environment: the locker room – in the proximity of the showers or near a swimming pool, etc). The inventors, along with major manufacturers of kinesiology tape recommend to produce heat by rubbing the strips of tape with the palm of the hand, in the process of applying the tapes, the adhesive is being heat-activated. Though, often, because of the factors listed above, the time how long the taping can stick to the tegument will drop dramatically, even up to 30% of the initially estimated time, so the heat produced by friction many times becomes insufficient to ensure the desired results.
Over a period of 4 years there were performed KT applications on approximately 120 patients/athletes with various physical activity levels, of which 40 were selected according to a criteria of high physical activity. In this process there have been used 6 different brands of KT, with provenience of Korea, USA, Germany and Japan. Also, the entire color range from each manufacturer was used (cream, green, blue, black, red, yellow, pink), mentioning that there was observed no difference in elasticity for different tape colours produced by the same manufacturer. Though, there were noticed significant differences in elasticity and tension of tapes from brand to brand.
The objective of the study is to maximize the length of time of wearing/using the KT through improved resistance to internal and external factors, such as sudden movements, perspiration, sebum, dust or interacting with tight clothes.
The objective was achieved by using an external heat source. The external heat source is represented by an infrared lamp of paramedical and domestic use. The lamp produces enough heat to affect the adhesive (melt), easily making it to fill the porous spaces. By heating the tape’s adhesive there was observed a significant increase in adherence of the tapes in all tested environmental conditions and internal or external factors.
In 100% of those 40 selected participants noted an improvement of the adherence of up to ~ 70% (measured in MU "time" with a minimum of more than 50%) by the application of heat on the areas where the kinesiology tape was attached. The results are considered as being statistically significant, therefore the method is validated.
After 4 years of testing and retesting of "Kinesio Tape" techniques (original name) in different European countries and multiple environments and sports (footbal/soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, kick-boxing), it was discovered that by applying an external heat source over the kinesiology tapings, these can get an improved grip, leading to an enhanced duration of an application, incomparable with the situations in which there was no external source of heat used.
VIDEO Link: Kinetoterapie Iasi | Recuperare Medicala Iasi | Masaj Iasi | Banda Kinesiologica | Hernie de disc | Luxatie | Entorsa | kinesio taping, trigger point, muscular, electrostimulare, neurologie, pediatrie, reumatism, dureri de spate, durere, artroza carp
Author: Alexandru Lefter, physical therapist;
Supervisors: Roxana Damian, Dragos Spataru, Florian Mastacan;
Locations: Denmark, England, Serbia, Iasi - Romania (currently);
Start: 2009
Final: 2013
Sample: ~ 40 pers.
No. of types of tape by manufacturer: 6
Similar Threads:
dear Alexandru,
Please tell us which brands you have worked with and how long you keep the tape on.
How do you remove the tape....
Looking forward to hearing from you
Hi Esther, the brands I have used are mostly premium, such as Elyth, Kinesio Gold, Mueller and others. The tape can be held on from 2-3h (during a practice or game) to 5-6 days in general population use. The least painful way to remove the tapes is under hot water OR by using a greasy cream/lotion or oil.
I hope this came as helpful Esther.
Best wishes,
dear Alex,
Yes it was helpful thank you but I do have more questions and comments.
I have not heard of Elyth before.I have gone to their website and see it is a Romanian brand.
I know the others and have used them.
Can you specify which tape sticks best in your experience?
Do you know the substance in the various tape glues?
Please tell me you do not do this on children!
I would argue that you are not only sticking the tape on more thoroughly (with your infrared) but by doing so, you are also bringing the chemicals in the glue into the body of the child. Are you sure this is OK??? Have you asked a dermatologist?
We know that everything put on the skin can penetrate..... this is why I am very very particular as to which brands I use when taping children.
I only use brands that will tell me what is in the glue.....
I always tell people to stay away from HEAT.....
Could you tell me:
Which tape is most difficult to remove after you have heated it?
The reason why I am so interested is that I am the developer of the ETTPed (elastic therapeutic Taping for paediatrics course ) and I am very specific on
knowing what I am doing during taping. I teach and write on this subject. In my opinion we need to be very very careful on what we put this tape on a childs' skin.
I understand your enthusiasm especially after your results. Calling it a new taping method? Are you suggesting that apart from the adhesion with infrared, your method has more 'new' things to offer? if this is the case, I am interested to know more.
I am very particular of all the various brands, many so-called premium ones are not always as good as you would expect. They all differ in elasticity, strength, quality and the colours make that they differ as well.
kind regards Esther
Of course I am not using the method on children, nor babiesIt's adults (sportsmen) only, for obvious reasons!
Elyth is a german brand, produced in Korea (just like most of them), but please let's not turn this into a commercial thread. And you are perfectly right to say that we can find many differences in tapes coming from different brands - I have stated it myself.
My method consists in a BETTER and MORE LONG LASTING ADHERENCE of the tape, and nothing more (therefore - a new way to apply it). It has nothing to do with the pattern the strips are taped! The text above also includes some observations on the elasticity, grip and so on.
I work in all kind of environments (indoors, outdoors, dust, wind, grease, sweat, sebum, humidity etc.), that's why I am looking at other issues than your concerns.
There's no doubt in my mind that working with children's skin need much-much-much more attention and care.
Dear Alex,
I am certainly not trying to turn this thread into a commercial one.....
It is a question of importance to research.
We know that there are many brands and that they are both similar AND different.
A number of studies have been published regarding the mechanical differences in tape. Every brand and even every colour per brand has different mechanical properties.
The authors of both studies clearly state that it is necessary to know which brand has been used in a study to be able to duplicate in the future.
So please tell me which other brands you tested. You named three.... I would like to hear which other ones you used.
Aguado Jödar Z. et al. (2008) Mechanical behaviour of functional tape: implications for functional taping preparation. Research 13th Annual Congress of the ECSS Portugal 9-12 July 2008.
Rodrígues J.M. Fernández et al. (2010) Vendaje neuromuscular: ¿tienen todas las vendas las mismas propiedades mecánicas? Apunts Med.Esport.2010.doi:10.1016/j.apunts.2009.11.001.
kind regards Esther