Hi there.
I do alot of sports and whilst doing so, I managed to pop out my lunate bone which a physio put back in no problems...but....I seem to now be left with a strained ligament which just does not want to heal? it's been about 3weeks after the bone got popped back in and the ligament/tendon? is still very painful if my hand goes the wrong way. What can I do? I'd appreciate some help in this as it really is ruining my sports life.
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As far as I am concerned there seems to be no probem with the lunate relocation. But when you go for a relocation , you should also be aware of the compromise of the nerve ,median nerve between the carpals. If so , you go for a nerve mobilisation . Also in carpal subluxation there is probably a chance of the lig sprain. If at all you can have cryotherapy so that the symptoms may resolve.
Thanks .