Alophysio, I agree strongly that the prospects of cervical pain and dysfunction improvement increase dramatically , when manual mobilisation treatments are used, provided the method and skill are up to scratch. Having post graduate education is not a good indicator of those variables In my opinion.
Mention of "physiotherapy " in your quoted study is odd to say the least.. As if there is such a thing. Those who practice as physiotherapists only provide treatments, all different, all weighted according to the skill and understanding of therapist.To imply by the notation "physiotherapy' that a standard exists denoting fluid empathy between all therapists such that treatments thus described , are identical , is impossible and ludicrous .
This does unfortunately , put a shadow over the otherwise , quite acceptable and pragmatically well oiled idea that manual treatments are more usefull for pain relief than exercise. An idea I entirely egree with and find daily examples of.
Andrew, don't be too dismayed by the list of possible causes suggested by one poster above, with due respect , these causes are rarities. His suggestion that most neck pain is disc related is not supported by either current literature, or the indicators present to most therapists who regularly use hands on manual therapies to treat neck problems. Most neck pain is completely treatable , however does require you to find someone with manual therapy skill , rather than a stand back and give exercise type. Anyone seeking to "fix" your problem with modalities ( ultrasound, electrotherapies , traction , diathermy, laser etc ) is wasting your time and money.These kinds of treatments are still to be found in third world countries and in the clinics of poorly trained therapists , but are unlikely to be of ultimate benefit.
Manual therapists are skilled in provision of movement related treatments that undo the protective tightness associated with a protective cascade of tightness and irritation.These reponses are ubiquitous in the assemby of normal physiological mechanisms that provide security for your spine and nervous system. Tbey are not pathological, just strong and irritating as well as potentially long term if left untreated. a good therapist needs only hands to turn off these responses and return your neck to painfree movements .
See a physiotherapist who is skilled with his or her hands, it is there you will find your best chance of a positive outcome.