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  1. #1
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    MSc Physiotherapy

    Hi all,

    I have recemtly completed a sports therapy degree and am considering a masters in physio. Like all, i am concerned by the lack of jobs in the field, and was wondering whether gaining a masters in physio will enhance the liklelyhood of getting a job. Also, does the pay improve after completing a masters.

    many thanks.

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    Re: MSc Physiotherapy

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    in short- no! I did a sports science degree several years ago and am just about to complete a MSc physio degree. The job situation is just as bad for MSc graduates and you certainly don't get paid any more than a BSc (I wish!). However, some trusts unofficially do prefer to take MSc grads purely because we tend to be a bit older and have previous degree's- though they don'y admit this is the case! This is not the case in most areas though because there are still loads of unemployed MSc grads....so there really doens't appear to be much of an advantage unless you happen to be applying for a job where the hospital prefers MSc grads

    So it's up to you whether you take the risk and go for physio in the hope that things will be better by the time you graduate- I did this 2 years ago and very little has changed (and I'm in a LOT more debt now than I was), you might be luckier though

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