Sorry for my bad english,but i will try
So i am 17 years old and i am playing basketball.Everything was good when suddenly i was feeling pain in tibial tuberosity bone,i was playing with that pain for about 2,5 month when i realize that pain in that bone is increasing (before,in and after training).
So i made an x-ray and went at sport doctors to show x-ray with my knee.
So one doctor say that problem is osgood-schlatter disease and i need to rest without sports activities for at least 6 months to heal that bone.And with recovery i need with specific exercises.
Second doctor say that problem is jumpers knee and say that my tibial tuberosity bone looks fine and i need to rest for 1-2 months and after that need to slowly return to sports activities till i get back to normal level without pain symptoms,also doctor says that i need rehabilitation with specific exercises.
So i really don't know which one i havejumper's knee orOsgood-Schlatter.
Someone who knows which one is the real one cause could help me with wrtiting what to do next,how long,prevention and rehabilitation exercises.
It would be awesome!
In link are my knee x-rays.
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