I am writing in regards to recent problems I have had with my lower back. Firstly, a bit of background information:
I am 25 years old, I have had an office job since I was 18 so I am sitting in front of a computer for up to 8 hours a day. For the last 3 or so years I have been going to the gym regularly. It was up until about 6 months to a year ago that I stopped doing deadlifts as I would be in a bit of pain (lower back) for a couple of days afterwards. On top of the gym which I was attending about 4 nights a week, I started playing football. A version of football in Australia referred to as touch football. This involves a lot of running, side stepping, and bending over to "play the ball". I started doing this about 3 times a week for periods of about 45 mins, starting about 1 year ago. In the last few months my lower back would hurt for a few days afterwards. This pain was at its worst when I bent over and when I sat at my desk for long periods of time.
I have been seeing a physio for the last few weeks - I have seen him about 4 times now and he has been working hard on my hamstrings. The flexibility in the hamstrings are getting a lot better but it doesn't seem like my back is improving. I stopped all physical activity and haven't done any for the last 2 weeks. I am able to bend over a little bit easier now but sitting in front of the computer for long periods is still very uncomfortable. I am just wondering, do you think it is my hamstrings that are the cause? Or is it possible that the focus has been on the wrong area?
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