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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Left

    Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Right

    Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Left

    Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Right

    Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Left

    Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Right

    Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Hi all,

    My name is Matt and this is my first post on here after some advice on a few issues i have been having and gradually getting worse.

    I have had Issues with my wrists for some time now aching and at the base of my thumbs. I work in IT so constantly using amouse etc and have signs of carpal tunnel but have yet to have this diagnosed. Had some blood tests done last week to cut out Rheumatoid Arthritis which came back fine. I have now started to get extremely weaker grip in my hands and forearms waking up with numb/pins and needles in a few fingers on each hand and now moving up into my elbow which is starting to ache and weakness in the lower bicep where it meets your inner elbow (sorry not sure of technical name). I go to the gym x3 nights per week and my strength is gradually getting weaker in terms of bench press which i did yesterday night only using light 20kg dumbells my arms were shaking like hell coming from my elbow and into my bicep which i think are used as stabiliser muscles during this exercise and could not do anymore but have been lifting up to 35kg dumbells until recently easily not can barely do 20's. Also tried bicep curling basic light weight again but have started to get a stiff ache in elbow while doing and failing to lift pas my waist due to failing in the lower bicep feeling dead and no strength to pull up at all its a nightmare so just after some professional opinions please guys on what steps to take.

    I have already taken a month or so off the gym to see if things repair and get better but nothing has changed over this time.

    Kind regards,

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Hi Matt. Carpal tunnel syndrome is definitely one of the more common ailments, which can affect feeling in all your fingers as well as up your arm. A more specific ailment however, is called De-Quervain's Tenosynovitis. This is when the tendon sheath on the thumb side of your wrist becomes irritated and inflamed.

    The carpal tunnel is the narrow rigid tunnel on the palm side of your wrist that houses 9 flexor tendons (bend the fingers and thumb) and one median nerve (controls feeling in thumb and all fingers but the pinky) and is covered by a strong band of connective tissue called the transverse carpal ligament . Anything that makes this tunnel smaller and the tendons underneath irritated and inflamed (i.e. Repetitive hand movements, diabetes, obesity, etc.) puts pressure on the median nerve, which in turn can produce tingling, numbness, hand weakness and pain.

    If it is De-Quervain's Tenosynovitis, it is specifically the tendon closest to the thumb.

    My Treatment recommendation (I work as a soft tissue injury treatment adviser):

    First - Rest and modification of your daily routine is the first thing to consider. Also try and wear a brace as much as possible if you have to be active with it. Second - cold therapy. A cold compress (especially after any activity) will reduce the inflammation of the tendons beneath the transverse ligament, opening up the tunnel and therefore giving relief. This will also help alleviate the pain and swelling. Third - promote blood flow. Look into any treatment that increases the circulation to the treated area (i.e. massage therapy, acupuncture, BFST, ultra-sound). Our bodies have a natural ability to heal by bringing any injured area blood flow, however, the rate at which it does so is very slow. Increasing the circulation increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen and thus helps you heal at an accelerated rate. The increased blood flow also lubricates the area, helping prevent further damage during movements. *My main recommendation: De-Quervains Tenosynovitis

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Hi there ALS388

    Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my listing, much appreciate the advice what to look into. I intend to go to see Doctor next week as issue getting worse in elbow and have had advice this may be a trapped ulnar nerve.

    Many thanks

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    All the best Matt! Let us know how your doing and what the doctor says.

    Kindest regards,

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    There are two nerve from elbow to wrist. Median nerve and Ulnar nerve, you can search the anatomy image of them at google. But if you say that you have problem from wrist to hand i'm sure that you have ulnar nerve problem. Weak muscle, Feels numbs sensation are signs that prove you have ulnar nerve system problem.

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Quote Originally Posted by mattygm View Post
    Hi there ALS388

    Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my listing, much appreciate the advice what to look into. I intend to go to see Doctor next week as issue getting worse in elbow and have had advice this may be a trapped ulnar nerve.

    Many thanks
    How is it going for you Matt? My brother has a similar problem-he hasn’t consulted anybody yet as there isn't any pain involved, but he is thinking of physiotherapy treatment in Toronto, where we live. We have a Physiomed clinic ( Physiotherapy Treatment & Services Toronto | Physiomed ) nearby ( he’s an athlete ). Reading this, I think I’m going to ask him to am going to ask him to go see his PT asap.

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Wrist problems, no matter how minor they are, should not be ignored. If not treated on time, they can become major or permanent issue. Visiting a doc asap will not only prevent symptoms from getting worse but also shorten the treatment time.


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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Hi all,

    Well its a few years down the line now and am no further forward with my issues, having gone through my GP and referred to Physio / MSK and Neurology nothing has come back at all so am getting more frustrated than ever. Current symptoms the same regarding numbness/pins and needles down the inside of my forearm into my pinkie and ring finger while arms bent say reading a book etc, exercise fine to start with but then after a few bicep curls the pressure builds with my forearm and when the bicep meets and have sudden weakness and shakes while lifting ANY weight, grip strength poor, frustrating aches in whole of arms during the night which cold water/compression helps at the time, waking up in the night with full dead arms from shoulders down and takes a good 5-10 mins for this to subside. MSK have sent me for a spinal scan around my neck area and shoulder but this showed up nothing as they thought it was maybe coming from my brachial plexus or neck as i have quite a tight neck/shoulder area, Neurology gave me a nerve conduction study which also gave them nothing, now back to MSK who have referred me back to Neurology so after 4 years have really got no where in resolving this.

    Can anyone advise any other routes i can try and take with this?


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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Do you have any pain or any other symptom around your wrist, elbow. Did you have any injury around your elbow, Did you try some grip strengthening exercises? Please provide some more details that might help to solve your problem.

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Hi there, I have the odd ache around my wrist which is expect working in IT with RSI etc but my issues are definitely more into my elbow/forearm. No pain really just a strange sensation of pressure/tightness and after looking online at Cubital Tunnel Syndrome my symptoms seem very close to this but have been told i do noth have this by Physio/MSK so am at a total loss. Have not done any grip strengthening exercises as this seems more of a nerve entrapment somewhere in the arm/elbow/shoulder but it is getting someone to prove this which is the hard part to get some treatment.

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    Re: Wrist, Forearm, Elbow issues

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Quote Originally Posted by mattygm View Post
    Hi there, I have the odd ache around my wrist which is expect working in IT with RSI etc but my issues are definitely more into my elbow/forearm. No pain really just a strange sensation of pressure/tightness and after looking online at Cubital Tunnel Syndrome my symptoms seem very close to this but have been told i do noth have this by Physio/MSK so am at a total loss. Have not done any grip strengthening exercises as this seems more of a nerve entrapment somewhere in the arm/elbow/shoulder but it is getting someone to prove this which is the hard part to get some treatment.
    These tests helps to support the diagnose but Doctors cannot just rely on these tests 100%, they have to consider your symptoms and then signs too. Sometime test gives you false results. There is some nerve entrapment as per your symptoms, I will suggest, do some Arms nerve stretching exercises with that neck muscle exercises. At night try to put hot pack under your neck for 10 mins and while sleeping give a full support to your affected arm. Let me know if you get some relief or not. Hope you will get better sleep with this small effort.

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