Hi everyone. About 2 months ago I strained the inside of my right hip/groin area. At that time I was spinning and doing yoga. Stretching it towards the right hurt, and my range of motion when rotating it outward was, and still is, limited. Thinking "no pain no gain," I would stretch my right leg outward thinking it helped, only to be told I should be folding my right leg over left and stretching it that way instead. The yoga and overstretching may have further strained it. Alas, I've been stretching it to the left for a few weeks and it's gotten better. But it isn't gone. My range of motion still hurts. I have trouble getting on a bike from the left side, and yesterday when doing the breast stroke in a pool I got another sharp pain. Advice? I have insurance but it doesn't cover physio... Thanks in advance everyone!

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