Dear members,
I would like to draw your attention to a DVD with home exercises and movement advice for people withParkinson's Disease that was developed
recently for the Dutch Parkinson's disease association, under auspices of the World Federation of Neurology Research group for Parkinsonism
and related disorders.
The DVD is very useful for therapists and other professionals in helping patients to maintain or improving mobility in daily life. Specific attention to cueing strategies is given. A PDF document allows the therapist to print specific exercises.
The English DVD can be purchased for 29,95 euros at,
including shipping and handling.
A Dutch DVD is available on Parkinson Patiënten Vereniging
All revenue from sales will benefit Parkinson Research and Healthcare innovation
projects from the European Foundation for Health and Exercise
(Stichting Gezondheid en Beweging)
The Foundation is also looking for collaborations to get the DVD translated into other languages.
Erwin E.H. van Wegen, PhD
European Foundation for Health and Exercise
Stichting Gezondheid en Beweging
[email protected]
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