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I am look for some advice on treating a patient with a suspected prolapsed disc at L5/S1, L4 (awaiting scan to confirm) with radiation of pain into her left foot. I don’t get many patients with this condition so I am a little unsure of the best line of treatment.
The patient has a past history of LBP with some radiation of pain (sciatica) into her left buttocks which has resolved with rest, pain meds and physiotherapy in the past.
The patient is 38, female, slightly overweight and was fairly fit before the accident as has quite an active job.
This current episode resulted post falling over during being assaulted. She was taken to A & E had an x-ray which was clear and advised to take pain meds for the pain. LBP developed over the next couple of days but the patient kept working f/t. A week later the pain started to move down her left leg and she started having trouble sleeping and walking. She visited her GP, prescribed more pain meds and referred for physio. Pt still continued working although on -
On presentation she had had an antalgic gate, was unable stand upright fully, sit without moving positions constantly and unable to lie supine without knees bent. All movements of LX were decreased by half, THX also, myotomes left hip flexion weak, dematome L5 decreased to touch, reflexes hard to find in both lower limbs, SLR left 30 degrees with pain in LX, Slump Pain in LX on knee extension left and central tenderness of L5/S1, L4. SIJ stiffness on palpation, no increase in pain on compression/decompression, bilateral muscle spasm of QL's were also present.
Initially I used acupuncture to help with pain/decrease muscle spasms and increasing ROM with some basic stretching exercises which helped improve ROM and reduce pain.
I would really appreciate some advice on treatments/exercised which ones to use and why (I have researched a fair bit into this and some recommend flexion type exercise to stretch the nerve increase blood flow into the area/removed waste products/and some extension type a little confused which to use) – I would also appreciate any recommendations for courses in the UK for treating prolapsed disc problems.
Many thanks
(Sorry to have babbled on to much)