Hi, I'm a second year physio student and we just got our placement allocation for next year and one of mine is in Women's Health.
I've never come across physiotherapy in women's health before and so was wondering if someone could summarise what a physiotherapist does in women's health and what I might be expected to do as a student on placement?
thanks for your help
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I've never worked in that area myself but friends have....
basically it could be a mixed bag of outpatients (pregnant women and new mums with back pain,SIJ pain etc), maternity unit- going around the ward giving mums advice on abdominal and pelvic floor exercises, antenatal- advice and education on posture, lifting, exercises to protect the back...more abdominal exercises etc!! I guess you may also come across women with continence problems and will probably have to advise on exercises etc....I guess its a more musculoskeletal type of placement
Hope that helps!