ok folks.
I posted a few months ago regarding an injury I sustained where I basically twidted my left ankle ,inwards...
This was the 2nd injury to same ankle after I went over on it previously (1st time ever) whne drunk in my porch after tripping on a mattress!!!
ok, so I thought the first sprain had healed fully, did no physio...and it hadnt!
The 2nd time I seemed to have gone the opposite way with the twist, and it really hurt (parachute jump!!!!!)
it has since got a huge amount better, is totally stable (thank the lord) and I have been doing a lot of wobble board exercising with both ankles to get them as strong as possible.
however sometimes I notice pain in my left foot, on the inside, just above the arch of the foot...I imagine this is connected to my ankle sprain somehow but I was hoping someone could tell me possible causes?
Uk NHS is not geared up to offer any help with something 'minor' (to them) like this and I cant really afford more private sessions as I paid for private physio to rehab properly from my past injury...
All advice appreciated
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