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View Poll Results: Should be be called "doctor"?

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  • Yes, it's obvious that we are doctors. What's there to argue with it

    20 33.90%
  • Of course we are doctors, but until otherwise both doctors and people accept that

    14 23.73%
  • It should be confronted by the WCPT

    8 13.56%
  • No we can't be called doctors, because in no way we meet their standards

    17 28.81%
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    why don't we called doctors ?

    we physiotherapists diagnose, treat and recover the patients from ailments
    then why don't we were called doctors: is it just because we never prescribe medicines, or we do not perform surgeries. In India layman could recognize as only doctors, he can't differentiate as from them. so PT's who do private practice in India declare themselves as doctors, so that a layman can find his way to him. but the doctors in India oppose this , what's the solution for this ?

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    The term "doctor" is merely an academic one. It refers to a doctorate, e.g. Phd or doctorate or medicine which in turn is the summation of a large body of work that includes certain requirements. Most programs take at least 5 yrs to be awarded such a title and with many physio diplomas and degrees falling short of that there is no way that one should receive the title.

    That said there are physio's in several countries now enrolled in doctorate programs and courses are being lengthened to make this an achievable title. Pity countries like the UK are running fast track 2 yr post grad courses in physio that completely destroy what the rest of the world are trying the achieve!

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    In India we "bachelor of physiotherapy" undertake the course duration for 4 years and 6 months internship . will that do ?

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    we are what we are..we dont care at all its just nothing to be doc or not ..at all we are helping ppl ..who care about other ideas.

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    Talking Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    why would you even want to be called " Doctor" ???
    That word doesn't neccessarily have anything positive attached to it, whereas "Physiotherapist" often does. It also indicates that we provide holistic therapy, rather than a quick fix (well, I know, that's a bit like wishful thinking ...).

    If you are worried about knowledge of the general public, maybe you should invest more into promotion of our profession.

    If you are worried about not bearing an academic title: well, a BSc or even MSc is just exactly what it stands for, nothing else. If you aren't happy with it, as above, do a PhD/enroll in a doctorate programme and write your dissertation. Good luck, because that's really a lot of hard work.

    And please don't forget, there is still heaps of countries, where you need a prescription from a doctor to visit a Physiotherapist. And not all degrees are the same.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyzzio View Post
    why would you even want to be called " Doctor" ???
    That word doesn't neccessarily have anything positive attached to it, whereas "Physiotherapist" often does. It also indicates that we provide holistic therapy, rather than a quick fix (well, I know, that's a bit like wishful thinking ...).


    so you guys are sorta like osteos, yeah?

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyzzio View Post
    why would you even want to be called " Doctor" ???
    That word doesn't neccessarily have anything positive attached to it, whereas "Physiotherapist" often does. It also indicates that we provide holistic therapy, rather than a quick fix (well, I know, that's a bit like wishful thinking ...).

    If you are worried about knowledge of the general public, maybe you should invest more into promotion of our profession.

    If you are worried about not bearing an academic title: well, a BSc or even MSc is just exactly what it stands for, nothing else. If you aren't happy with it, as above, do a PhD/enroll in a doctorate programme and write your dissertation. Good luck, because that's really a lot of hard work.

    And please don't forget, there is still heaps of countries, where you need a prescription from a doctor to visit a Physiotherapist. And not all degrees are the same.

    I agree with that...Both offer different services and different professions

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    being called as a doctor is just a sort of title that in my opinion is not important at all..
    the most important is recognition for what we..
    and i think we have that..
    no one can deny the help of a physio in many conditions..
    and as long as we help ppl,all else don't matter.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Not going to answer the poll because I do not agree with the any of the choices. I do agree with some of the points already mentioned. Basically just because we don't have the title of doctor, does not mean we are less trained etc. We are Physiotherapists with a very important skill set and a very important place in the health care system. It is up to us to educate people as to what we do.......changing our title doesn't cut it!!!

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    [QUOTE=sharileedahl;22800]Not going to answer the poll because I do not agree with the any of the choices. I do agree with some of the points already mentioned. Basically just because we don't have the title of doctor, does not mean we are less trained etc.

    yes it does...

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    [QUOTE=Drew Still;23846]
    Quote Originally Posted by sharileedahl View Post
    Not going to answer the poll because I do not agree with the any of the choices. I do agree with some of the points already mentioned. Basically just because we don't have the title of doctor, does not mean we are less trained etc.

    yes it does...
    well thats where your misinformed. if by doctor you mean GP then would have to agree that they have a generalised knowledge of a wee bit of everything. Physios specialise in what they do so you could argue more trained.
    i'd rather be a specialist at what i do working as an autonomous practitioner (i'm lucky i'm in a country where this can happen) than be desperate to achieve the title of doctor.
    maybe thats where we are failing as physio when the general public don't realise the training we go through or even what we do!

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    ‪Duplicate Doctor-Asianet NewsExclusive‬‏ - YouTube

    Asianet a regional channel in malayalam from Kerala State in India reported that there are fake Doctors practising physiotherapy, were not allowed to Put "Dr" to their names. Physical therapists in India (called as physiotherapists) were struggling since many years to form an independent Physiotherapy Council. PT Practioners can not put "Dr" as instructed by an Association ( INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS- IAP) which is not a regular body to control PT practices in India. Remember any one can make an association, if they legally submit documents to government. IAP is also one among them.

    I am sorry to say this fact.. coz I am also from Kerala, has been putting Dr to my name when i was in india, knowingly it was not legal. As per a court order (I forgot which court? ) PTs can put Dr but they should specify or write PT after their name, so public can/may not be mistaken.

    I still want to be with PT side.. asking why Dentists in India Putting Dr to their names? its legally allowed. So friends in india , try to get untited and make an independent council which can permit to make you a Genuine doctor.

    All the best for PTs in India.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    PTRussel and Co.I can see u are not getting the picture on the wall. I wouldn't want us to muddle things together.I know and sure that no civilised physio body says physio is equal to Medical Doctor as u are putting it. As Dentist is not = to medical doctor so also do physio.They are two different body of knowledge.So they both bear unique approach at treating disease conditions.
    Medicine decide to confer the Dr title on individual that got the first degree MBBS.This does not make them equal to a PhD holder but they both carry the title 'Dr' and nobody confuse MBBS for PhD.
    Doctorate in physio or other health professionals should not result into any brohaha as we have these days.They earn the degree and so deserve to go by the title if so wish.Nobody is taking position of medical doctor here.
    This is the next direction fot this profession and no amount of intimidation can stop it.yelufem.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    you get what you pay for

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    I must admit I refrained from voting because the options were rather biased in their delivery.

    Why aren't we given the 'doctor' label? Because we aren't doctors -- in the academic or the professional sense. If I wanted to be a doctor, I would have studied medicine.

    Putting the issue of a Phd aside, I realise there are a few professions in some countries that label themselves as doctors upon graduation. That said, how often are those professions the brunt of jokes because they "aren't real doctors"? I can surely do without the title if it maintains physiotherapy's medical standing.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    I would like to add sth..
    I personally don't think that there is a matter of being or not called doctors because the proffesions are different with the only common base line that we treat patients..
    we are therapists for specific conditions, unlike doctors which treat illnesses and health disorders of all kind..
    And the same way we are not called mechanics just because we happen to "fix" the mechanisms of the human body and they fix machines.
    Bottom line we should be proud for what we do and how the call us, we are physical therapists!!

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    Thumbs up Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    very well said Helen, I think this is a very logical and reasonable answer, is doctor a god and if not why we are starving to be called doctor .
    i mean if i am geet why will i yell to be called helen I WONDER!!

  18. #18

    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    I would be interested to know from which countries the people that have reacted to this poll, come from.

    As far as I know, nobody uses the title doctor in Europe.... we are physiotherapists. We have a Ba or Ma education, no more no less.
    The moment we study on, writing a thesis, we can become a doctor of... whatever it is we have studied. In Holland chiropractors and osteopaths do NOT call themselves doctors, in other countries they do.


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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    physio's are physio's .....doctors are doctors...
    i think we should be informing people who physio's are rather than waiting to be called doctors because people used to misunderstand the work of a physiotherapist...
    they think physio are all about some massage and exercises....

  20. #20

    Re: why be called doctors ?

    dear Nancy,

    This is getting interesting.

    I became a physiotherapist in Holland in 1977. Our profession was a pretty even mix of massage therapies, exercise therapies and therapy using electrical agents. I have always loved this mix, because it gives me the opportunity to chose, making lots of different "recipes" for every single personīs specific needs.

    In these 32 years, emphasis on what is the most important part of our work has changed frequently. At this moment exercise therapy is pretty hot in Holland, massage is still hot in Germany and electrical agents is very hot in Spain.

    But in these countries, doctors are the ones that studied medicine and we are physiotherapists (europe and anglosaxkson world) or physical therapists in the USA & Canada (as far as I am informed).

    I am very proud of our profession. In general, doctors in Holland recognize our specific expertise and tell patients to go to us, because we are the "specialist of the moving parts" = Dutch expression.


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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    mmm.....good to hear that the doctors there recommend physio's...bt its really a different scenario here...
    doctors are the ones who will prescribe patient to physiotherapists.....and they will even write there what to do (for exp: give passive ex or hot pack etc)
    people here don't know much about physiotherapists....whenever we say we wanted to study physio they will ask what is that??
    hope people here will be more aware of physiotherapist in future....

  22. #22

    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    The scenerio you sketch is similar to the one in Holland in the 1960-70īs.
    Australia was way ahead with free access long ago ( 70īs?)
    Holland introduced free access in 2004.
    Free access meaning that you are free to go to any physiotherapist without a doctors referral and with payment (by the national health systems or private insurances) guaranteed.

    What made it change in Holland?
    ....in my opinion the following things happened (but not overnight)....

    1. the fact that in general the population was becoming more informed ( even before internet, by means of patient groups and television programmes)
    2. doctors slowly became informed about what we do...
    a. by getting back to them straight away and informing them that you, after assessing, do not agree with their treatment suggestions and are planning something else. Explain why and in my case, they always agreed...... often saying... we do not know much about your profession.......
    b. by being prepared to "fight with your knowledge" by writing letters about your treatment, describing it, describing results etc etc
    c. informing your patients, with fact sheets, writing for journals for the general public etc
    3. by generally not accepting the "assistants rol" the doctor has put you in, but showing you are a true health professional with your own education and qualities.

    good luck

    esther de ru

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    hmmm... there's two expats here, and every time they greet the patients, "Hello, I'm Dr. ...." (and we're the same level)

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiano View Post
    hmmm... there's two expats here, and every time they greet the patients, "Hello, I'm Dr. ...." (and we're the same level)
    Do they have real medical degrees (MBBS or MD)? Are they dentists or vets? Do they have PhDs? If not tell them to stop deceiving their patients!

    Even if they have any of the above, they shouldn't call themselves Dr's if they are practicing as physios!

    Oh, are they chiropractors? If so, what are they doing in a clinic that is based on medical science, not chiropractic-pseudo-science

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PTRussell View Post
    Do they have real medical degrees (MBBS or MD)? Are they dentists or vets? Do they have PhDs? If not tell them to stop deceiving their patients!

    Even if they have any of the above, they shouldn't call themselves Dr's if they are practicing as physios!

    Oh, are they chiropractors? If so, what are they doing in a clinic that is based on medical science, not chiropractic-pseudo-science
    Bro, they're a graduate of BSPT... the other one didnt finish yet his masters... They called themselves Dr.s bec in their Visa they're classified as Doctors... And we can't tell them to stop bec they're dominant... they look to us like an assistant....

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