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    I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    I need to lose weight to help heal injuries and to take the pressure off of my joints, i've been told wearing skins or under armour will help as it keeps your temperature higher?

    but what difference does it make keeping your temp higher, does it help you lose weight quicker or train harder?

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    Have a look over the WCPT article on managing obesity as an attched file with this reply.

    I need to lose weight, does heat help?? Attached Files

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    Quote Originally Posted by craig benham View Post
    I need to lose weight to help heal injuries and to take the pressure off of my joints, i've been told wearing skins or under armour will help as it keeps your temperature higher?

    but what difference does it make keeping your temp higher, does it help you lose weight quicker or train harder?
    I am sorry, but as a personal athletic instructor there are better (and safer) ways to lose weight (what weight fat or muscle or water)?

    It is true that weight can be lost by wearing sweat suits, HOWEVER, Almost all of this weight is water weight sweated out by the body. Although exercising in warm environments enhances BMR, over heating can lead to excessive exertion, exhaustion, and fainting as well as hypoxia believe it or not! This is a dangerous idea, although I am sure under armour does not retain heat as much as perhaps you expect it to.

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    the weight i need to lose is generally fat (stored on my abs), mainly to take some of the pressure off of my joints. I'm not obese or massively overweight but would be in much better shape if i could lose another stone maybe.

    Have been training in the gym but have reached the stage where my joints, in particular my right hip joint starts to ache and throb before i have a chance to have a good workout. hence wanting to make my workouts as efficient as possible?

    maybe i am doing the wrong sort of workout? are cross trainers, bikes and treadmills the right things to do, if so is one better than the other or should i do weights as well?

    also doing some swimming, is this gonna help lose weight, or build muscle?

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    If the weight you want to loose is water, heat might work.

    Heat to the body may allow movement to be less painful, so that exercise is more enjoyable.

    However, if the weight is due to girth in the abdominal area, you might try the APAS test, esp if you claim to have right hip pain.

    Try an ASIS to ASIS with hip abduction directly lateral in the coronal plane If the one moves inferior (Most commonly the right), you have a difference of pelvic angles. This is a subject that has been poorly researched.

    Next do the side of the inferior ASIS and do an ASIS to PSIS. The innominate bone should move into greater anterior rotation as the hip abduction increases directly lateral in the coronal plane.
    You may have the opposite hip done with the ASIS to PSIS to see the difference of pelvic angle.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Best regards,


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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    Neuromuscular, would be useful to read some literature regarding the topic you are discussing quite fervently. Names are fine, I have significant journal access. Thanks

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    There is no follow up information when it is a new idea.

    The OGI is testing the idea in clinic and is preparing a research paper.

    The research comes out of 15 years of in clinic by myself

    I am partly retired in that I do only very difficult cases.

    APAS is my own acronim for asymmetric pelvic angle syndrome.

    There is little on pelvic angles except by Wendy Jardin of the Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canuck). However, she missed the importance of differring pelvic angles in that she did not have the people do hip abduction directly lalteral in the coronal plane. She took all readings at the anatomiclal neutral position frrom what I can gather, although I may be in error on this. I was taught to do pelvic angle assessment only at anatomical neutral. however, by accident I started to do the assessment at differring leg width stances and this is when the significance of the differring pelvic angles was seen.

    Another significant detail was seen in that the correction for anterior rotation of the innominate bone did not come from the ipsilateral casue as is so often put forth. Try this: Do a digital pressure into the contralateral adductor longus. The anterior rotation will move to a more neutral position. The popiletus mand planterius lock the knee; therefore, the quads are not needed for standing posture You can take the quads of a standing person and move them lateral and medial. They are not activated in the standing position, because the knee is locked and they are not required to hold. Further, the anterior rotation of the innominate bone or inferior position of the ASIS in the supine p[atient the quads are not holding, but the adductor longus is in a state of guarding response.

    The only way to prove or disprove this is not b reference material, but in clinic trial. Try it and compare your results to mine.

    With a name like Canuck, you must have some ties to Canada.

    Best regards,


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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    I will have a read of the various posts you have listed, however, as you can imagine the whole picture is not clear with random discussion posts, thus my query. Canuck indeed, just displaced at the moment

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck Physio View Post
    I will have a read of the various posts you have listed, however, as you can imagine the whole picture is not clear with random discussion posts, thus my query. Canuck indeed, just displaced at the moment
    The problem with any new direction of research is that it is hard to get our mind around it.

    Ola Grimsby was the first of the major instructors to see the value of the research.

    Others are preoccupied with the SI joint and do not consider the bigger picture of innominate bone position as seen with the hip abduction test.

    Hope that you enjoy your testing of the idea for yourself. That is what true research is.

    Best regards,

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    I am sure there is someone more knowledge on this one then me but...I think it helps process food.... It helps break down fats and move them along.... and for me it helps me eat less because I feel "fuller" with the more water I drink...
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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    heat will dehydrate you you can lose a tone of water and be a ton lighter but it is dangerous just look at what jockeys put themselves through to lose weight for weigh in or boxing

    if you want to lose weight try this

    eat during the day to stimulate your metabolism and improve your diurnal fluctuation of important hormones such as leptin that peaks in the evening and is at its nadir in the morning.
    eat as musch as your body needs to be in positive nitrogen territory a simple urine test can give you an idea whether or not your nitrogen levels are adequate; positive nitrogen territory stimulates the increase in your endogenous anabolic hormonal profile eg. growth hormone. this eating stimulates your body to build muscle but if you eat too much for too long you will store excess energy as body fat.
    the trick is to cycle your diet so your stimulate your metabolic engine and hormone profile by eating for 2 to 3 days then cutting back for 2 to three days. your hormonal profile increases up to 500% in 14 days before it plateus.
    then restrict your calories or burn more calories so that your in nitrogen negative territory. however, if you restrict your calories for too long the body porduces too much ketones and inhibits the natural fat buring engine in your body. this slows down your metabolism and affects your leptin levels as well.

    leptin is important bcos it stimulates the body to burn its fat stores now remember leptin levels peak at night this is when we should avoid eating bcoz the body gets lazy very quickly; if you eat at night you are stimulating the body to shut down the leptin process bcoz its getting energy anyhow. similar to people who use creatine monhydrate if you eat enough over a period of time the body stop producing its own endogenous source of creatine when this happens it takes months to return the body to normal again.

    this cycling stimulates the natural process of breaking down body fat via gluconeogenisis. but the body has to learn if you are having trouble buring your own body fat stores. it takes time. you know if you are on the right track if you consistently drop weight if above your natural level. play around with the time frames just remember it takes about 72 hours to reach starvation this is when the body protects itself to retain its energy sources it takes about 2 days to start the process of storing energy as body fat and takes about 14 days to peak the anabolic hormonal profile

    body builders use a similar eating plan to grow muscle and get ripped

    good luck

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    I have to say that I do not have the right medical knowledge but losing weight by increasing the body temperature just causes sweating and this lost water is the so called "lost weight". Going into the sauna has the same effect but this is only temporary and not a constant way of losing weight.

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    It is better for you to first avoid such food which contains fat and than go for some light diet and exercises and it is better if you do some yoga asannas which will surely help you to loose your weight.

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    Actually, fat is not the enemy.

    If you want to lose fat quickly, make sure you ONLY EVER get carbs from fruit and vegetables. This is the basic Idea of the Paleo diet which I have seen work countless times.

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    heat does not help in losing weight. It takes other factor to lose weight.

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    Re: I need to lose weight, does heat help??

    I think you need to ask the question in another way. Are you trying to lose weight or are you trying to lose fat? To lose fat you need to do two things: 1. Stop gaining fat from your diet and , 2. Burn the fat that is there. To do two you need to use it as a source of fuel for energy. You might be better using cold to do that to be frank!

    Weight loss is pretty darn simple. If calories used is greater than calories taken in by eating you lose weight. I you reduce the intake but that is still more than what's used from a sedentary life then you still won't lose weight. You just won't gain as much as you would have. Low intensity, long duration exercise is required to burn fat. You might need to build into that. But as you exercise don't think you can increase the food intake. To do that is counter productive. You are trying to increase the calories used without increase the calories ingested.

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