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Salary of a Physiotherapist with 3 years experience in Dubai?

  1. keb050
    Whats the Salary of a Physiotherapist with 3 years experience in Dubai
  2. ansam mahmod
    ansam mahmod
    mmmmmmmmmm what qualification needs
  3. jie
    i think it depends on the place where you apply
  4. pallavi gaikwad
    pallavi gaikwad
    hello all,
    i am a physiotherapist living in India. i have a query about the procedure and criteria for applying to get the DHA licence. i have worked for 2 and a half year and was forced to take a break of about 4.5 ears due child birth and child care... can any one enlighten me with the correct procedure... i wnna work again and shift to Dubai[/FONT][/COLOR]
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