I am currently treating a professional down hill mountain biker who has history of an accident to his R) knee. His current symptoms include swelling around patella with significant reduced quadriceps control and loose patella movements. Pain is not a dominant dymptoms however patient reports that sharp 7/10 pain (VAS) when the toes catching on the floor during walking. On examination I noticed that he has about 10mm AP displacement with Lachman and Drawer tests. The end feel for both ACL and PCL is full. Patient has the same presentation on L) knee. He has had few crashes in his cycling career but can't recall any major blow to the knees. He can weight bear without limping. Dear Colleagues, Do you think that MRI and specialist review is warranted? Anyone has previously come accross a congenital knee instability with 1cm AP displacement?
A MRI can be done to rule out meniscal and ligamentus lesion, But your present approach should be based on the duration of the symptoms i mean acute presentation or chronic, and also whether the present problem hindering his sport performance. please reply me regarding the above