Hey All, Anyone interested in forming study group for written exam please reply.If there is already a group let me know am interested in joining. Richa
H Richa I am in brampton and want to study in group for the september exam and for this u can email me if u r interested on randhawakirti@yahoo.com randhawak
Hi all, I am Eliza and would like to join the study group for the sep written exam.
Hi All, do you guys meet up for studies or just communicate through Internet. I am also interested in joining your study group, but I am in Alberta. Please advise.
How do you group study? I am taking the PCE on July 13.
Hello There, Any body like to share their expertise, tips or interested in making a study group for PCE 2013. Just to let you know I live in Alberta.
Hi. I too am writing pce in sept 2013. My mail Id is anshul.ansh@gmail.com. I will take the test in London ON. May be we can compare notes and encourage each other !!
hello everyone! i just recently joined in my search for a study group for the written exam on September 2013 in Australia! is there someone interested or a study group already formed? or is there anyone who has already done this exam??? tips??ideas??? this is my email if anyone interested! bernal.marianna@gmail.com Marianna
Hi I am preparing for my written exam for feb 2014. Would be very much interested to share & discuss for the exam since that will creat an opportunity to exchange ideas & experiences I stay in etobicoke please email me on vaspateaparna@gmail.com
Hi does anyone know if research questions are included in the written component? Are the questions as difficult as the NPTE sample questions from o'sullivan?