With the increasing number of Physiotherapists and complimentary health professionals available are the number of vacancies within the profession reducing?

There is an increase in universitys offering the Physio Degree, and more universitys offering short cut degrees and increased numbers into their programs. There is also an increase in sponsorship from other countries and returners to the workforce.

There is also the increasing numbers of alternative and complimentary treatments professionals available. Chiropractic degree providers have increased their numbers. Massage therapy is a degree in many countries now. Public knowledge of physio is increasing and there are alot of self help equipment and websites out there now.

There usually seems to be alot of Job advertisements. Many are from agencies that consistently advertise without having a job on offer to offer at the time. Clinic owners advertise commission based jobs that dont really have case loads available.

We are also getting better at our profession- treating people quicker with better skills and equipment.

This year as with last year the amount of true vacancies has decreased, will there be an exponential effect soon? Is it all an overkill?

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