Does anybody practice Mckenzie Method? What are the pros and cons?
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Does anybody practice Mckenzie Method? What are the pros and cons?
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I think most of us use McKenzie in some form. I don't feel there are any cons. It is a very useful assessment tool whether you believe the underlying theory or not. It also provide patients with a range of simple, home-based exercises that in most cases are effective in reducing discomfort resulting from mechanical and some discal issues.
Should you have an opportunity to take part A,B and or C then this would be a very useful investment of your $$. It's like building a toolbox or library. To be a great clinician you need a lot of tools
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of course there are cons. all approaches have cons. in the case of the mckenzie method the con is limited adaptability. it is a narrow focus that lacks many tools. when it doesn't work, often times it suggests no where to go.
on the other hand, when it works it works very well. more people should be familiar with the method. however, to focus only on the mckenzie method is dangerous. even their own research shows that maybe 50% of people respond well to their treatment when they have low back pain. what about the rest?