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    management of diabetic periarthritis

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    hello i have been searching the entire internet for infromation about diabetic periarthritis and the exercise program for the sameanyone who has the details for tyhe same can mail it to my address.
    thank you.

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  2. #2

    management of diabetic periarthritis

    general considerations for exercise prescription in a diabetic population can be found in a section of the American College of Sports Medicine Handbook. It would be a good start. Then accommodate the periarthritis component to the fundemental outline and hey presto you have a management plan ready to test and let us know how it goes. If it's any good send it to us at physiobase.com and we'll include it in our clinical guidelines. Alternatively if anyone has such a protocol, send that to us for consideration as well. Cheers, richard

  3. #3
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    management of diabetic periarthritis

    One of the first joints to suffer is the shoulder.Most of the literature and research documents I have obtained state quite clearly that Wikipedia reference-linkfrozen shoulder in diabetic patients, if due to collagen deposits and calcification, does not resolve as it does in the general population. Frozen shoulder is a generic term and it depends on causes it. If it is due to strain e.g. in women carrying a heavy handbag on the same shouler for many years, then physio and PT will resolve it in 9 cases out of 10. But if the cause is solidification of the joint capsules and tendons this is often irreversible. Given time, the symptoms will reverse themselves naturally, although this process frequently takes a year or more. Anyone with this problem should consider that letting mother nature take its course may be preferable to surgery and other drastic alternatives. One should consider that doctors sometimes cause more damage with intervention and are frequently not successful. Gentle excersize and stretching during the "melting" phase of this illness will hasten improvement.

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