Does he get the pain with both active and passive movement?
I have a patient who has no trouble running, playing squash or softball, but does get significant pain when flexing the knee with an an externally rotated foot. He also feels pain when placing the left ankle on the right kness while in a sitting posture.....Is this the popliteaus?
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Does he get the pain with both active and passive movement?
Ever have any luck with this diagnosis? What helped speed recovery/prevent reinjury? I ask because I actually have a knee injury (from overuse/running) and have been having the same symptoms for one can seem to figure it out.MRI said torn superior anterior tibiofibular ligament...pain was intially mostly lateral, but now is mostly posterior with just a little twinge laterally here and there.
But the pain with flexed knee and resisted external rotation of the foot/ankle is exactly what kills me the most.