Simple question: Why do you think these things help? (according to you) Better yet: What made you think they might before you even tried them?
Is anyone using magnets? I have been combining use of magnets with physio for past year. Especially useful in chronic muscular conditions.Yes I am a sane , grounded physio!
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Simple question: Why do you think these things help? (according to you) Better yet: What made you think they might before you even tried them?
Have used magnets as an adjunct to care with many problems ranging from LBP, CTS, Plantar Fascitis, Torticolis, etc. Opening your mid to the use of energies to help the body heal itself is necessary. Magnetic fields, Light therapies including infrared, laser, etc. Our first responsibility is to do no harm, if it works use it, if it doesn't than don't. Our bodies need light and a magnetic field to survive, this is a fact. Even the space shuttles are magnatized to maintain proper health of the occupants.