Dear Ingedik,
What you are describing sounds very much like a connective tissue zones. These zones were first described by E. Dicke and Teilrich Leube in 1950´s.
They are: Zones that are visible on the surface of the body – skin and connective tissue
They occur in dermatomes which have a clear identifiable segmental relationship either;
sharing 1. the sympathetic supply of a viseral organ (stomach or lungs)
2. sharing a function (venous circulation)
They either appear as tight in-drawn area, often with oedeem around the edges and often, especially around C7T1 they appear as big oedematous patches. I have seen many of them in my time.
They are a sign that the circulation is not what is should be.
I have often treated them with bindegewebsmassage, or another therapy that can influence the autonomic nerve system such as acupuncture.
I do not know if this therapy ever made its way to your country.
I do not have time to look up articles for you at this moment.
look up Elsevier and go from there. There is some some information out there.. all you have to do is search......Liz Holey has written several articles on this subject.
kind regards