Hi I am a recently graduated physiotherapy,
I injured my shoulder 4/52 ago playing rugby I think the MOI was when i made a tackle flat footed with no momentum. I presented with painful flexion, abduction and horiztonal adduction. My inital diagnosis was a AC sprain.
However now my main limiting factor it horizonal adduction mid to end range. End range flexion and end range abduction. I have been told by a fellow physio I have tight scalenes and she thinks this could be contributing to some restriction due to neural entrapement? I have no pain or retriction with int/ext rot at 90. my scap stab is good however some lower lats firing is not occuring however I don't believe this a large factor to it. So my main question is ( as I briefly tried looking up neural problems caused by tight scalenes esp ant fibres ) what effect does scalenes have and does anybody have any other thoughts. If i have missed any objective measures you want to know please ask.

On a side note I have hada a patient who has forearm pain when doing pretcher curls and when searching on the net alot of people say its weak forearm (m) however I also read it could be due to what I foremention.
Sorry for all the questions just as a new graduate I want to use my own injury as a chance to improve my diagnostic and treatment skills.

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