Dear Miss,
My name is Flávio De Grandi Puchalski, I am a physiotherapy in Brazil. I have been studyng some cases of AS , during my specialization in rheumatology. About the case of your friend... there are some simpntoms and signs that MAY suggest a AS case. Have you notice, decreased range of motion on shoulders, hips and all spine ?! Does he feel uncorfortoble to do some of his daily activities, such as; pain due sudden movements ? Do you know if your friend has been having some eyes, cardio-pulomary problems ?
At the first, you should check his global'range of motion, try some especific tests such as Schoeber. You can also can use ,some completary exams; X-ray to check , hips sclerosis, if exist fusion between vertebras body and so on..
If I could help you more (or if you could help me...) you can write me at the following e-mail:
My best regards,
Flávio De Grandi
Ps: I hope your friend get better as fast you can open this e-mail...