Would like to help but need more info.
What about objective examination results (active movements, passive movements, accessory movements)???
Dear All,
Excuse this if it seems a bit to easy, new to area!
I have a patient who has right sided lower lumbar pain, with aggravation on walking and referred right sided buttock pain. Finds the Fowler's position eases symptoms.
Positive straight leg raise, on HRT and calcium, x-ray a year ago and only general wear and tear.
Has excessive lumbar lordosis.
Not sure of exact diagnosis or how to treat. Any clues would be greatly appreciated and help my learning to start a curve!!
Thanks guys.
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Would like to help but need more info.
What about objective examination results (active movements, passive movements, accessory movements)???
Thanks for the message, managed to sort it out in the end, thanks for pointing out that you needed more info, stupid of me to forget all that, suppose if you could have diagnosed from that, we would all be learning from the book you would just have written!
Cheers again.