I'm currently undergoing chiropractic treatment for forward head posture, or it could be more kyphosis than FHP. I'm 26 (male) and the reason I decided to get treatment is that I really hate the way my posture makes me look (from the side). Given another decade, I'd be catching up to Bill Gates (I call him turtle man).
When I first went in to see the chiropractor, I was not having pain or symptoms of any kind.
My chiropractor gave me a foam wedge. The program I'm on involves laying on the wedge for 5 minutes every day, and seeing the chiropractor once a week. Fortunately they have a really fast patient login system so I can be in and out in 5 minutes.
The plan is 1 year long, and we're checking my progress via x-ray every 6 months. I'm past the first x-ray check and the image showed that my progress is 90% of what they were hoping for. I hadn't been laying on the wedge every day, but I was doing fairly well. Some weekends I couldn't use it because I was on a hiking trip.
Since then, I neglected using the wedge for roughly a month or two because I lost faith in the process. But I'm trying my hardest to stick it out now.
I'm still really concerned that this isn't going to work. When looking in a mirror, I don't see the difference. And my shoulders appear rounded when in the relaxed position, which also has me really concerned. I don't see any way to fix this, short of breaking bones and letting them heal in a new position.
I'm trying to do everything I possibly can to change this. I'm planning on getting really serious with weight lifting once I get my gym membership in a month or two. I think having big pecs would help minimize how bad my posture looks. My chiropractor says I should be doing rows because having stronger back muscles will make it easier for me to hold my shoulders back all day without feeling fatigue. I can see the logic in that, but I'm also of the opinion that posture is determined more by skeletal shape than muscle strength.
The reason I have FHP is partially genetic; my dad has slight FHP, but not as bad as mine. Mine is likely worse than his because I've been playing with computers a lot since I was 12.
Is there any helpful advice people here might have? I have never seen an example of FHP successfully cured, so if anyone knows where I can find photographic proof of one successful treatment, that would really help renew my faith and dedication to this.
Besides using the wedge, I also put a lot of effort into pulling my shoulders and head back as far as I possibly can--and holding them there--on a regular basis, like while I'm sitting at the computer, or while driving in the car (obviously in both cases I have to keep my head down enough to see forward). It's super uncomfortable, but I always remind myself that pain is unavoidable when causing change. I've been sitting straight up and down and keeping my shoulder muscles pulled tight throughout the entirety of this writing.
I don't care how much pain I have to put myself through, or how many torture devices I have to lay on, to fix this. I just want to know that it can be fixed. Can anyone show me an example of that?
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