Is also known as"morbus Bechterew" is inflammation rheumatoid disease witch attack whole organism. Its attack more often men then women(according to some statistics 10 times more). The most significant sign is ossification of soft-tissue around the spine, ligaments, vertebral discus, so at the end spine takes the position of one stiff stick, like "bamboos stick".Disease starts slowely, usualy at age 18-35.First sign that alert to this disease is morning siffness in lumbar spine with around pain in erly morning hours.As disease slowly progresses pain is lokalized and permanently present day and night.It's more and more difficult for patient to flex the spine, espetially lateral flexion.Spine change its normal position wich change postural status: lumbar lordossis is flattend, thoracic kyphosis is bigger, and the head is protruded to the front.Sometimes disease attack two big joint, shoulder and hip, witch then have restriction of motion in them and characteristic status of"skiing man", with hips and knees in flexion.
In treatment, first step is education of patient for right position in seating, wlking, standing and sleeping. Its necessary for patient to lie on relatively hard bed without pillow(not even for day rest), and to know that the best position for sleeping is on the stomach, for sitting the best is cheer with high support, and in wlking to protrude chest and put back the shoulder.Generally, it's advised more moving and changin body position in work but avoiding of physical overloading.The most important is kinesytherapy with exercises for greeter motion of spine, exercises for greeter motion of hip and knee, and breathing exercises(witch is especially important because fo tendency of disease to restrict volume capacity of the chest), with excluing of abdominal breathing and forcing toracic breathing( you may use sme forme of games etc.)
Its complex disease, and if you still have some questions feel free to ask, I'll be glad to help!
Best regards Natasha.