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    Electro for children

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Hi, re: electrotherapy for growing children

    Can anyone recommend a text, perhaps anatomical, or a website with info about development of the skeleton? I generally tend away from any electro with children when I suspect they are not fully developed in the area of treatment. I note that many texts recommend Ultrasound for things like Osgood Schlatters, or Sever's ('syndrome'?). I was told at an electro course once that a chart of the age at which bone epiphyseal plates fuse, and bone growth stops (in individual bones) could be found, and used as a rough guide. I haven't been able to track one down to date.

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  2. #2

    Electro for children

    Made my own chart from info in Crouch's Functional Anatomy. Keep it handy for reference when needed

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