Dear Porky789

Are you better now? iT is hard to say what the likely issues are here only because your description isnt very clear, for instance is it both hamstrings or one, does the back pain hamstring pain and ITB pain occur together, do they ever dissapear,is there a position or movement thatt takes the pain off, how old are you? do pain killers help? if so what kind? are there any other joint pains? what happens when you lie down on your back , bend forward, twist etc. what about side lying? what kind of pain is it? is it sharp, dull , is it constant pain or it goes away sometimes, does it affect your sleep, when is it worse etc...i mean the list is endless, have you had any x rays or any investigations done...

to be honest, this is the problem with our profession? we are only as good as our path of developement or whatever trainings we must have had. it is possible that you would visit many different physios and they will all have a different opinion as to what the issue is...

you will need to monitor your pains carefully, then you will need a good assessment of your posture, for instance do you have any limb length issues etc. if you are having weakness in your gluts, is there obvious muscle wastage...have you had a neurological assessment as well...i think you just need a good thorough wouldnt be having this issue if we had a standardized model of assessment and diagnoses such that the likelihood of arriving at the same conclusion would be more common than not