well personally I really like them, they are really useful for giving to patients and you can edit the wording that goes with the pics...patients always forget how to do thier exercises so it brilliant for giving them a memory jog!
there is a lot of variety in the exercises that you can choose from, however some can be a bit confusing at times for patients (hence the need to change the wording) and at times it's tricky finding the specific exercise you want as there are so many of them! You do get the hang of where things are though after a while. I suppose it doesn't cover everything, but they are a good place to start.
I'm still studying and found them invaluble for my patients, quite tricky coming up with such a variety of exercises when you're a novice physio!
As far as I know you can buy the software on a license, my uni has one and my placements have all had it too...have a search on the net for them